Retired ID question

Jan 5, 2008
Metro West Mountains
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My 73 year old 100% disabled brother (USMC) lost his indefinite retired ID Card recently. He has his VA card and I think he can put his hand on his DD-214.
Where do I take him and what will he need for docs. I was assuming USCG in Boston or Hanscom?

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My 73 year old 100% disabled brother (USMC) lost his indefinite retired ID Card recently. He has his VA card and I think he can put his hand on his DD-215.
Where do I take him and what will he need for docs. I was assuming USCG in Boston or Hanscom?

They can look him up in the DEERS system. Hanscom is the best bet. Go to the Vandenburg gate visitor center and get a pass. Let them know he needs a new ID. Bring drivers license and DD214 just in case. If you have issues getting on, pm me, and I'll help you.
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, ME is also an option. You can se up an appointment with the Qless app available for most smartphones or tablets.

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