Today I borrowed a sight tool from an NES member (thank you)
I double checked my rear sight and then I centered my front sight.
I called S&W's support line and they told me they don't even use a tool. They use a nylon or "german steel" punch to drift the sights.
I used a brass punch and centered mine.
Here it is centered.
I took 20 shots off hand at 30 feet with WWB at a pretty good pace.
I thought everything in the world was good. The group wasn't great but hell, these were my first shots tonight. Just warming up.
Then I took 20 shots with my own reloads (similar to WWB) same distance and pace
Things looked like they were moving a bit to the right but still a pretty good group. Still happy.
I put up a fresh piece of paper and was shooting my 147 grain IDPA loads.
My first shots were dead center in the black. Then they started to go WAY right.
I am not one to blame equipment first. I always look at operator error.
To me, that meant my shooting ability which after the first 2 groups did not seem to be the case.
Next would be my ammo. I thought maybe the problem was my load. I was cursing myself that now I would have to develop yet another load just for this gun and come back to test it out.
Then I looked down at my front sight.
It had moved itself back to the left!
I did a test. Centered the sight with a punch while at the range.
It took 30 rounds to make the sight drift left again.
No one here can tell me that painting the frame, or doing my own trigger job resulted in a whore-loose front sight.
At first I thought maybe my modifications were causing problems with this gun. I was ready to have my craftsmanship take the blame for the gun not working.
Today I'm thinking: I've been working with my hands for the past 10 years or so, TIG welding, building engines, custom parts both large and miniscule. I own 3 dremels for various small jobs etc. I'm very comfortable both doing my own work and have actually sold my services to a few hundred people in other industries. I'm going to say that at this point the problems I'm having are just not because of me. I'm no longer giving S&W the benefit of the doubt.
My conclusions:
1. Cutting the coil allowed me to fire 3 different loads without failure. The original coil would NOT fire anything reliably. The very first day I believe over 300 rounds were put through that gun. The second day over 300 were as well. The "breaking the gun in" argument does not hold water. There was something wrong with the coil I was sent.
2. The burr on my takedown lever was certainly not my fault and was causing issues with stripping and re-assembly. It's a good thing I had the tools and ability to fix that at home and don't have to send the gun back.
3. The front sight absolutely cannot be my fault. I think I may have to send the gun back for this. It's so stupid. I'm so frustrated at this thing. As you can tell it's consuming me.
I am pissed off at the great looking, under-performing gun.
And at the same time I'm childishly happy I have a Glock on my hip and two more in my safe. I'll be ok tonight.