Revolver cleaning videos?


Sep 24, 2013
Southeastern MA
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I recently acquired a used S&W 686-2 and would like to clean the internals. I took off the side plate to check too see how dirty it is and it looked like it needed a good cleaning. I did some searching for a nice video or explanation of how to properly disassemble and then properly reassemble the gun. I found a couple videos on how to take the gun apart but nothing on how to put it back together. I was wondering if anybody on here had a good video of a 686 or similar revolver being assembled.

Anything I should lookout for when disassembling or reassembling would also be appreciated (like holding your hand over the recoil spring plug on the 1911 so it doesn't shoot across the room).
I watched a bunch of good disassembly/cleaning videos on YouTube under S&W 686 cleaning when I first got my 686 and after a few cleanings you'll get very comfortable with the internals.
You may find this helpful. This isn't exactly how I clean mine but it gives you a general idea of how it works. I have never tinkered with the internals inside the grips, as that's just a bit much for me. Simply cleaning the barrel and cylinder / crane has always been enough for me, even on older revolvers that have seen a lot of use.

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Couple of tips to add fwiw...
Get a non marring plastic/rubber hammer. It will make side plate removal very easy.
Do NOT attempt to pry the side plate off.

Or on this one....from the looks of it.....

S&W isn't difficult to work on. Another thing to be careful of is the trigger rebound spring and the little guide rod inside it. (not sure if all models have the little guide rod or not). May want to do that part inside a clear plastic bag for the first time in case it lets loose. There is a tool for it but I just use a small flat blade screwdriver to compress the spring after lifting up on the spring housing a bit. Lining up the hammer block lever can be a bit of a pain when putting on the side plate. Don't force it. When it's lined up correctly you should be able to push the side plate back back on fairly easily with just some finger pressure.
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