Revolver long distance target shooting


NES Member
Apr 18, 2011
In the woods of NH
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I really love handguns and have a lust for a revolver to do target shooting. The Smith and Wesson 686 has my attention. To shoot targets at 50 or more yards, what would be the recommended barrel length and scope options? Thanks.
I would say the longer the better on the Barrel if using open sights. I Shot a S&W Model 27 200 yds and could hit a 2x2 target fairly easily. The coolest part is. Bang ........Tap. The delay.
Thanks. Yeah Hickok45 I am not! I am going to have to do some more research and shoot a few before I buy. But I assumed at a minimum a inch barrel would be required.
I shoot pistol (or rather try to shoot..) at 100 yards for fun. I have pretty good success shooting S&W revolvers with 8 3/8" barrels using iron sights. I'm shooting single action, and the sweet S&W SA triggers help a lot. I do so with both a 686 and a 629. They are both a blast to shoot!

I'm in metrowest if you'd like to try them out sometime.
Thanks. Yeah Hickok45 I am not! I am going to have to do some more research and shoot a few before I buy. But I assumed at a minimum a inch barrel would be required.

I'd want more than an inch barrel for distance. [smile]

Yeah, longer is better. 6" or 8" would be preferred.
Oops...that was a slip about the one inch barrel.... I meant 6 inches i swear[wink]. Richc thats a vey nice offer....i will drop you a pm and promise to bring the ammo...good news, i took my wife to dinner tonight and she was cool with me getting a new firearm....but i want to take my time and make the right purchase.... smih and wessons are not cheap and i think i want a scope.
Oops...that was a slip about the one inch barrel.... I meant 6 inches i swear[wink]. Richc thats a vey nice offer....i will drop you a pm and promise to bring the ammo...good news, i took my wife to dinner tonight and she was cool with me getting a new firearm....but i want to take my time and make the right purchase.... smih and wessons are not cheap and i think i want a scope.

Lemme know when you'd like to go. I'm at Westwood Gun Club most weekends.


It's not so much the barrel length as the sight radius. The longer the sight radius, the more accurate you'll be. I used to shoot standing class in IHMSA. I used a super blackhawk in 44magnum. It would go bang and then it seemed like forever the target would go clang and fall over. Long range handguns "slow bullets shoot high". They are in the barrel longer and get flipped at the muzzle.
I bought a smith and wesson 686-6 today. Last time i shot a 357 mag was over 20 years ago. After the first shot i had to stop cause i laughed out loud. I forgot how much fun it was. And i was hitting what i aimed at! I blew through 100 rounds without thinking. Going to have to start reloading! What an awesome gun!
I am a big fan of vintage N-frame smiths. The SA triggers are pretty amazing. 6.5" barrel in 44mag or 357mag outta do it.

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