Road Flares


NES Member
Jan 4, 2010
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Anyone know if it's legal in MA to keep these things in the car?
I read online that it's illegal in some states, and wouldn't be surprised if we were one of them.

I'm thinking a couple of these would be nice to keep in the car.
The DOT requires 3 reflective triangles in commercial vehicles nothing about flares. When i was in truck driving school a few years ago I asked about flares and my instructor said "no body uses them anymore" didn't say why or anything about the law. I can day from being on the road all the time that plenty of police still use them. Also being broken down on the side if the highway at night with my 3 stupid reflective triangles is a little nerve-racking would much rather have 3 bright flares
The DOT requires 3 reflective triangles in commercial vehicles nothing about flares. When i was in truck driving school a few years ago I asked about flares and my instructor said "no body uses them anymore" didn't say why or anything about the law. I can day from being on the road all the time that plenty of police still use them. Also being broken down on the side if the highway at night with my 3 stupid reflective triangles is a little nerve-racking would much rather have 3 bright flares

Because "people" are stupid and routinely burn and/or injure themselves, screw shit up roadside (how do you dispose of a lit half used road flare?), or light their own car on fire (dripping oil/fuel?).
The DOT requires 3 reflective triangles in commercial vehicles nothing about flares. When i was in truck driving school a few years ago I asked about flares and my instructor said "no body uses them anymore" didn't say why or anything about the law. I can day from being on the road all the time that plenty of police still use them. Also being broken down on the side if the highway at night with my 3 stupid reflective triangles is a little nerve-racking would much rather have 3 bright flares
I never even thought about it. All of our cars has an emergency kit with a pack of flares. I must have bought them at a NH Walmart.
They used to be everywhere. i have seen them recently I just dont recall where, may have been tractor supply.
I am sure any truck stop will have them if you want them.


Damn it! You beat me by 1 minute :-)
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Anyone know if it's legal in MA to keep these things in the car?
I read online that it's illegal in some states, and wouldn't be surprised if we were one of them.

I'm thinking a couple of these would be nice to keep in the car.

Nothing illegal about them in MA. Keep them in the trunk.

Just be aware that when you light them off, depending on which way the wind is blowing, burning phosphorus is no joke when it blows on your skin or clothes . . . when responding to auto accidents and setting up barricades for road closures, I had these unpleasant experiences!

In my days as a PO I had to use lots and lots of them. I used to carry them around in my cars, now they sit in my shed. I have a neat device that uses batteries and is a lot more attention getting, one in each car.

Turbo Flare 360

Costco or Sam's Club had them for a brief time many years ago and I scooped a pair. They were aimed at police but I read reports that theft of them was rampant, so most PDs still use road flares instead.

Nice review here -

Available on Fleabay -
Because "people" are stupid and routinely burn and/or injure themselves, screw shit up roadside (how do you dispose of a lit half used road flare?), or light their own car on fire (dripping oil/fuel?).

Dispose of them? I see state police (in many states I travel) just leave them burning as they drive away. I guess if the police dispose of them in that manner that makes it acceptable for the public to do the same thing. LoL
AutoZone has them according to their website. They appeal to me more than the led's because, in a different situation, a flare could be used as a deterrent to a 'bad guy' if I wasn't carrying.
Dispose of them? I see state police (in many states I travel) just leave them burning as they drive away. I guess if the police dispose of them in that manner that makes it acceptable for the public to do the same thing. LoL

Once that phosphorus starts burning there is no way practical to put it out. Talk to a firefighter about that stuff!

Bad thing is that all the ones we used had a spike or metal stand and that debris on the roadway is another road hazard (punctures tires easily)! There is no good solution, if the officer pushes it off the road while burning we have a forest fire in the making.
There was a rollover accident near my house two weeks ago, and either the police or fire department had set out flares. My wife had never seen them before. Since I grew up around the railroad (we called them fusees), we regularly used them to start brush fires.

They appeal to me more than the led's because, in a different situation, a flare could be used as a deterrent to a 'bad guy' if I wasn't carrying.

One RR brakeman was flagging a crossing for a switch engine, using a lit flare. One car ignored him and kept coming. He dodged to the side, threw the flare through the window, and watched it go about 50 yards before everyone bailed out without even stopping. About that time he swung onto the engine, and waved goodbye.
AutoZone has them according to their website. They appeal to me more than the led's because, in a different situation, a flare could be used as a deterrent to a 'bad guy' if I wasn't carrying.
It takes a little time to get them lit, and then they burn for a long time, and you're stuck with it, standing around where you don't want to be. The old Zippo and hairspray or deodorant flamethrower would be a better option. The more liquid propellants like carb cleaner or starting fluid have even more range. Probably if you just soaked the bad guy's shirt and started flicking the lighter he'd get the message.
AutoZone has them according to their website. They appeal to me more than the led's because, in a different situation, a flare could be used as a deterrent to a 'bad guy' if I wasn't carrying.
Just carry your boating safety kit in your car with the flare gun, just in case you go boating.
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It takes a little time to get them lit, and then they burn for a long time, and you're stuck with it, standing around where you don't want to be.


If someone attacks you, by the time you get the damn flare lit they will have had their time with you and have left. They aren't instantaneous or easy to light off. Try one and see what I mean before you consider using one for self-defense.

If someone attacks you, by the time you get the damn flare lit they will have had their time with you and have left. They aren't instantaneous or easy to light off. Try one and see what I mean before you consider using one for self-defense.

Gotcha. I was thinking more along the lines of them being on my list of possible defense items. But not depending on them alone.99

Just back from AutoZone - they had 3 packs of 15 minute flares for $6.99 and 30 minute flares for $9.99.
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One thing you have to look out for is long term storage.As they get old they start to break down,and leak corrosive shit everywhere.
I went looking for them last year and had a heck of time finding them. I could find triangles and electric strobes. Essentially people don't advocate you use them anymore in case there is a fuel leak that you don't realize. I heard this from 4 different truck/trailer supply places.
I find they are most useful in situations involving t-rex.

Go to 1:30
Gotcha. I was thinking more along the lines of them being on my list of possible defense items. But not depending on them alone.99

Just back from AutoZone - they had 3 packs of 15 minute flares for $6.99 and 30 minute flares for $9.99.

Also, do you realize the size of the holster you'd need to carry these around with you? [wink] [rofl]
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