Robar frames for Glocks

I understand the whole concept and why the KB happens. I think it's funny it is repeatedly used as a punch line from people that have never seen a KB first hand or even heard one happened from people on a board that has 6000 paid members.

Everything DrGrant said is truth.

I think that you might be reading into it too much. Some people go after Glock kB!'s out of actual derision for the gun (it's plastic, cheap, and popular) as many are HK/Sig/1911 snobs. However, most of the people I know including myself just lightheartedly joke about it. For example, Rob87's avatar is a picture of a glock with a caption that says 'Nade, but the Glock 19 is his favorite pistol.
Don't get me wrong, they ARE rare. Disregarding internet sources, I've only ever run into two people that said that they witnessed a KB "in the flesh" so to speak, and even in those two cases, I did not get enough detail from the witness to get a full picture of what actually transpired, although one of the two was an LE training environment, which basically indicates use of factory ammo. I'd put the odds of having a KB right around the realm of getting hit by lightning, or thereabouts.

To put things into perspective, There's an acquaintance of mine that does completely idiotic things with his G22, and hasn't managed to blow it up
yet. Shoots tons of lead through the factory barrel, uses max loads on it all the time, etc. Even he still hasn't managed to blow himself up -YET-. [laugh] Obviously a sample of 1 isn't worth much.... but it does show that variables are often hard to track, and separating hype from reality is difficult.

ETA- Another reason why you might not hear KB reports firsthand, is a lot of times, if the person knows they did something stupid to cause it (eg, firing after a squib, or double charging a round) they might be less likely to report it, out of a matter of "pride" or ego or whatever. IMO this really isn't a loss stats wise, since "user induced" KBs really shouldn't be included. Almost any centerfire handgun can be blown up, just ask Clark Magnuson. (Although, I think he stated he was unable to blow up a .25 ACP, simply because the case was incapable of holding enough powder to do the job. )


Yeah i've heard some serious abuse stories. I kind of figured it was a snob issue. I would like to get my hands on a Robar frame for my G21 i think the extra weight would really tame the barrel.
Yeah i've heard some serious abuse stories. I kind of figured it was a snob issue. I would like to get my hands on a Robar frame for my G21 i think the extra weight would really tame the barrel.

It does make it pretty heavy... the 35 I played with was definitely as heavy as if not heavier than a full steel 1911.
There are many advantages to the alloy frame. The frame has been modified to do the following:

Gives the Glock a nice trigger job
reduced reach to trigger for smaller hands
replaceable backstrap to make a 1911 angle
pic. rail to accept any attachment
smoothed trigger guard and recessed for grip
added beaver tail for better grip indexing and reduced bite
indented mag release
alloy allows non drop free mags to drop free
stainless weight reduces recoil from 357 to feel like 22

can and is sold in MA.
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