Romeo1 to something else mounting plate adapter?

Oct 8, 2009
An Ebola Free zone
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Has anyone seen a Romeo1 to DPP, or vortex, etc adapter plate?
I have a P320 RX slide, with romeo1, circa 2017. This is a regular series slide, not X, or legion, or pro, or VTAC, or SUPER_$$$ edition........ Anyway, the romeo1 apparently has a proprietary mount, and I want to use something else, specifically a Deltapoint pro, and I cannot find an adapter plate that would allow that. Or an adapter that would allow anything else, be it a holosun, or vortex, etc. Everything I have seen is for the X series slides, which use the DPP/Romeo1Pro mount. Thanks
From one of many Sig forums:

The delta point pro can be mounted to a slide cut for a Romeo 1.
It's not a simple swap though unfortunately.
It has been mentioned here before a few times.

They share the same mounting pattern but the DPP is just slightly longer.
You can shave off a little material on the front base of the DPP. Thus voiding the DPP warranty.
Or you can have the slide cut milled out just a little more in the front. I would have no problem doing this on "MY" p320.

Proper screws are a concern too and had to be sourced.
The thread pattern on the Romeo cut slides are different then the M17 DPP cut slides. So you cant use those.
Plus the mounting hole diameter in the 2 optics is slightly different too.

The newer models like the P320 professional are compatible with both optics now I believe.

I wish it was easier for those who have older RX models.
This place will machine the slide for $125. They claim 4 weeks lead time.

Slide Models: P320 / P226 / P229

We offer to upgrade your factory SIG Optics Cut to the most recent SIG OEM Optics Cut – Romeo1 Pro Cut with RMR Holes​

This includes upgrading the Romeo1 cut to Romeo1 Pro or adding RMR holes to your Romeo1 Pro Cut​

SIG P320 / P226 / P229 Optics Ready Upgrade - C&H Precision Weapons
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