Rudy Rudy Rudy


NES Member
Aug 2, 2006
Just west of Wormtown
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''the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do and how you do it.''

This is how Rudy Guiliani SP? once defined freedom. This man scares me. I am pretty sure "we" are screwed no matter what, its just a matter of who is going to do it faster.

''the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do and how you do it.''

This is how Rudy Guiliani SP? once defined freedom. This man scares me. I am pretty sure "we" are screwed no matter what, its just a matter of who is going to do it faster.
Would you rather have Hillary as your President?
I am no Guillani fan but I will vote for any Republican over any Democratic candidate in the upcoming election.
Would you rather have Hillary as your President?
I am no Guillani fan but I will vote for any Republican over any Democratic candidate in the upcoming election.

We wouldn't. However Guillani is not Republican.

I doubt he will get the nomination. Not much we can do about it right now any ways. We just need to wait and see what steaming pile of shit they throw at us with an "R" button on it. [thinking]
If Rudely Jailiani gets the nomination to be the presidential candidate for the Republicans they are all done as a party. This will be a tacit admission that they have just become part of the Democrats.

A few of the evangelical Christian leaders have come out recently and said if Guliani, Thompson, or McCain were to get the nomination they would vote for a third party candidate. While Christian voters will not just blindly vote for whomever one of their leaders says to vote for - this gives a good indication of how the so called leading Republicans are viewed by the Christian Right.

I will never vote for Guliani - I do not care if he says he is a Rebublican - he isn't. Like I said above - if he gets nominated that will be the end of the Rebublican party - and that will do one of two things - either a real opposition party will rise from the ashes (probably actually a better scenario than we have now) - or the entire country will become like MA - where Democrats will essentially be default winners ( much much worse than we have now)

You have to remember who the Republicans are - they were formed as an opposition party to the Democrats - and their name says it all - they were for a Republican form of govt. - meaning non-intrusive, low or no taxes - small govt. If they are no longer for that - then their entire reason for existence is gone, and the voters will make sure to remember that when they hit the polls - as they did at the last round of elections when Democrats replaced Republicans in Congress.

It's time to smarten the hell up - if you want to destroy the Republican party and hand the country over to the Democrats then by all means vote for Rudy Guliani. And as a side benefit you can almost guarantee that Rudy will sign any new "assault weapons" ban that comes down the pike - making him just as bad as Hitlery as far as gun owners go.
Here is the GOA take on Rudy Guliani:

Rudy's Gun Control Agenda
by John Velleco
Director of Federal Affairs

The 2007 version of Rudy Giuliani defends his past support of gun control as a necessary evil to fight crime in a big city.

When pressed about his views of the Second Amendment by Sean Hannity of Fox News, Giuliani attempted to tap dance around his gun control record without alienating the 290 million people who don't live in New York City.

The former mayor told Hannity that gun control was "appropriate" for the city, but that states and cities should be allowed to make those decisions locally.

"So," Hannity continued, "you would support the state's rights to choose on specific gun laws?"

"Yes, I mean, a place like New York that is densely populated, or maybe a place that is experiencing a serious crime problem, … maybe you have one solution there and in another place, more rural, more suburban, other issues, you have a different set of rules."

Apparently, in Giuliani's America law-abiding citizens in large cities would not enjoy the same constitutional liberties as the rest of the country. Why? Are city dwellers not as trustworthy as country folks? Are metro-Americans not deserving of the right to self-protection?

Disarming citizens because they live in a high crime area is taking away the most effective means of self-defense from the people who need it most. Creating mandatory victims is no way to fight a crime problem.1

If Giuliani's gun control agenda was really limited 'only' to big cities, that would be disturbing enough. But the record shows that the Mayor continually tried to export his gun control agenda to the rest of the nation.

The new Giuliani of state's rights simply does not square with the Mayor of the '90s.

In 1993, before even being sworn in as mayor, Giuliani met with then-President Clinton at the White House to discuss national gun registration. Giuliani supported the Brady bill, which had recently passed, but argued that it didn't go far enough.

The President, largely crediting Giuliani for the idea, enthusiastically sent Attorney General Janet Reno off to develop a gun licensing and registration system.2

The Clinton-Giuliani scheme was slowed only by the Republican Revolution of 1994.

In May of 1994, as the battle over the ban on certain semi-automatic firearms reached its height, Giuliani threw his support behind the ban. On the eve of the final vote, he noted that so-called assault weapons "have no legitimate purpose."3

When the ban passed, Giuliani commented that, "This is an important step towards curtailing the indiscriminate proliferation of guns across the nation."4 [emphasis added]

When a lunatic attacked innocent civilians at the Empire State Building in 1997, Mayor Giuliani used the tragedy to again push for gun control beyond his city's limits.

"We need a federal law that bans all assault weapons, and if in fact you do need a handgun you should be subjected to at least the same restrictions -- and really stronger ones -- that exist for driving an automobile," the Mayor said.

"The United States Congress needs to pass uniform licensing for everyone carrying a gun."5

When the Mayor did focus on City gun laws, which already were among the most stringent in the country, his effort was only to further disarm the law-abiding.

In 1998, Giuliani pushed a proposal that would require gun owners to use "trigger locks" on all firearms, thus rendering the guns useless in the even of an emergency. Such a law would be enforced, said the Mayor, through "criminal penalties and the revocation of gun permits."6

If Giuliani had a federalist conversion, it did not occur in his first six years as mayor, for in 2000, he again took his gun control show on the road.

In becoming the first Republican mayor to launch a city lawsuit against gun makers, Giuliani complained that "less restrictive gun laws in other parts of the country" exacerbated the crime problem in New York City.7

Giuliani is not only a long-time supporter of gun control, but his support was convenient to leading anti-gun Democrats eager for the appearance of bipartisanship.

A big-city mayor supporting gun control is hardly newsworthy. The fact that Giuliani is a Republican gave the story its man-bites-dog angle.

In the midst of the fight over the 1994 crime bill and semi-auto gun ban, Giuliani escorted President Clinton to Minnesota to stump for the bill. The Minneapolis Star-Tribune noted that, "Clinton seemed especially proud that New York's Republican Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, as well as Philadelphia's Democratic Mayor Edward Rendell, agreed to accompany him on his trip."8

New York Senator Chuck Schumer also gleefully accepted Giuliani's support of the semi-auto ban. According to a Newsday article, Schumer hoped Giuliani would "sway some skittish Republicans."9

The following year, when the Republican controlled Congress tried to repeal the gun ban, Giuliani made the trip to Washington to testify against the repeal effort.

So, if the new Rudy Giuliani in fact supports state's rights in the area of gun control, it is a dramatic shift from the policies he has been advocating for over a decade.

This flirtation with federalism is merely a facade, however, for in the recent interview with Sean Hannity, Giuliani assured gun owners that he supports only gun control laws that are "reasonable and sensible." He then went on to defend his support of the Brady bill and the semi-auto ban, which are neither. 10


Interestingly, when Giuliani addressed the conservative CPAC group in March of this year, he credited the decline in New York's crime rate, which was significant, not to gun control but to the implementation of certain policing strategies based on James Q. Wilson's Broken Windows theory. Though not without controversy, New York police officials took petty crime more seriously, based on the belief that petty criminals would eventually turn into more dangerous and violent criminals.
Washington Times, December 8, 1993
Newsday, May 3, 1994
Newsday, May 6, 1994
Mayor Proposes a Law Requiring Trigger Locks on All Guns; The New York Times, May 19, 1998
Minneapolis Star-Tribune, August 13, 1994
Rudy used by Dems to push gun control; Newsday 5/3/1994
Hannity and Colmes, February 5, 2007

We wouldn't. However Guillani is not Republican.

I doubt he will get the nomination. Not much we can do about it right now any ways. We just need to wait and see what steaming pile of shit they throw at us with an "R" button on it. [thinking]
I watched the debate the other night and there was no doubt Rudy was the winner. Polls have shown that he would run strong against Hillary in the general election. It`s either Rudy or Romney unless one of them steps on their dick. You`re not going to get a strict Christian Republican that can beat Hillary.
It`s all about keeping Hillary out of the White House.
"We need a federal law that bans all assault weapons, and if in fact you do need a handgun you should be subjected to at least the same restrictions -- and really stronger ones -- that exist for driving an automobile," the Mayor said.
I like this idea. You could get your license at 16 (18 in NYC), carry anywhere in the country, not have any restrictions on it (ever see a sporting and target driver's license?), can't get it taken away unless you have several infractions (Shooting Under the Influence?), it only costs $30-40 / 5 years, there's no background check and you can even keep it even if you're a felon.

Great idea! Let's do it!!
I like this idea. You could get your license at 16 (18 in NYC), carry anywhere in the country, not have any restrictions on it (ever see a sporting and target driver's license?), can't get it taken away unless you have several infractions (Shooting Under the Influence?), it only costs $30-40 / 5 years, there's no background check and you can even keep it even if you're a felon.

Great idea! Let's do it!!

That's f***ing awesome.

I like this idea. You could get your license at 16 (18 in NYC), carry anywhere in the country, not have any restrictions on it (ever see a sporting and target driver's license?), can't get it taken away unless you have several infractions (Shooting Under the Influence?), it only costs $30-40 / 5 years, there's no background check and you can even keep it even if you're a felon.

Great idea! Let's do it!!

And you only need it if or any kind of registration either state or federal if you're using it on a government supported and maintained range. Otherwise, absolutely everything is perfectly fine -- full auto, select fire, suppressors, short barrel shotguns and rifles, 20mm rifles ...

Well... You'd probably have to get the equivalent of an articulated license for the 20mm rifle and grenade launchers, mortars, and LAWS (or whatever the latest generation of bazooka is).

OH! And let's not forget the easy to pass test - multiple choice questionnaire and make sure you can hit a 8" paper plate at 5 yards... slow fire. With a rifle.
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