I don't own one but I'm strongly considering it. I've handled one in the store and have some mixed opinions of it but I may still get it. Its very light and has a cheap but decent feel in my hands. The bolt cycles fairly smoothly and the trigger, while again feeling cheap, does break cleanly. The savage accu-trigger still has a much better feel to it. I expect that the butt stock will soak up recoil pretty well. I do wish the fore grip was a little bigger. It does flex a little to the point that I think if I was firing with a sling like is taught at the Appleseed course than the foregrip would come back in contact with the barrel possible negating the benefits of the free floating barrel. I suspect that Savage Axis and Marlin X7 may do the same though. I think the Ruger American is likely the best $350 hunting rifle out there right now. My only hesitation in buying is that $100-$200 more gets me a rifle that shoots as accurate or slightly better but doesn't feel so cheap.