Ruger LCR-22


NES Member
Jul 16, 2010
Feedback: 26 / 0 / 0
Just got an email about this one. 8-shot 22 version of the Ruger LCR! I think this is an excellent addition to their lineup and should be a lot of fun.


This gun will sell like crazy if its priced close to a .38 LCR.
I would love to pick up a new DA .22 revolver but a S&W is in the +$600 and that's about the only game in Massachusetts right now.
This gun will sell like crazy if its priced close to a .38 LCR.
I would love to pick up a new DA .22 revolver but a S&W is in the +$600 and that's about the only game in Massachusetts right now.

I've been trying to find a decent .22 revolver and it's next to impossible. the 617 is nice but I just cant spend the seven to eight hundred dollars. For that You could buy the .22 and the .38 of the ruger! Hopefully they'll make it ma compliant soon!
I shot an LCR, and it was pretty crappy feeling. You'd pull the trigger, then pull some more, then wonder when .. BANG! The end result on target wasn't terribly bad, but the whole experience wasn't too great either.

Hopefully, this won't be like that.

I'd prefer a breaktop H&R to make a comeback at the same pricing before one of these.

Plus, for a target or range or hunting .22 revolver, I would want at least a 4" barrel, preferably 5" or 6".
Is this available in Mass? Ruger's site says not, but wasn't sure if it was newly approved?

Nevermind, just noticed the comment above that it's not compliant.

('s like Mass chose to publish a catalog full of guns, and put a sticker "you can have any gun in the long as it's the 4th one on page 7 you lucky Massachusetts citizen!"....)
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I shot an LCR, and it was pretty crappy feeling.

Hopefully, this won't be like that.

".....same as it’s .38 and .357 brothers, including the patented Friction Reducing Cam trigger system that gives the small-frame revolvers one of the best trigger pulls..." --Down Range TV
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To me the lcr is a vast improvement over the triggers and recoil of the other snubbies. You can't expect a DAO to have much shorter or lighter of a trigger or else it wouldn't serve its purpose, being a safe point and shoot at short distances snubbie . I will probably buy this 22 at some point.
I have a LCR in .357, and I am definitely getting one of these. nice addition to their lineup. The price is listed as the same price as the LCR .38spl. That one FS sells for $369. So, this one will be right around the same price. can't wait to pick it up.
I guess I was thinking the Ruger already has the Single Six, which is a great little .22 revolver, so why would anybody buy something with as bad a trigger as the other LCR's.

I guess to train yourself to use the bad LCR trigger on inexpensive .22 ammo is the winning answer.
I guess I was thinking the Ruger already has the Single Six, which is a great little .22 revolver, so why would anybody buy something with as bad a trigger as the other LCR's.

I guess to train yourself to use the bad LCR trigger on inexpensive .22 ammo is the winning answer.

Compared to other snubbies the LCR's trigger is vastly superior IMO. Smooth, even, and feels a lot lighter than it is since there's no stacking. The only problem with it is a bit of a false reset sensation, but for a DAO revolver one should not expect anything less than a full-length trigger reset.
Just out of curiosity, what is it about the pull that you dislike so much? I'm interested in your comparing it to a "good" DAO trigger.
I liked the trigger on the LCR's. Better than those lousy S&W 642 triggers. I love shooting those LCR's

In stock condition I agree. However, the LCR has a very funky 2 or 3 stage false reset. If you didn't let it ALL the way out it would lock up on the pull. If you do that with a S&W it will advance the cylinder but not cock the hammer. I could never get used to it. I sold the LCR and have a 442 with an APEX J-frame duty kit. I couldn't be happier.
...Just out of curiosity, what is it about the pull that you dislike so much? I'm interested in your comparing it to a "good" DAO trigger.

I have no idea what a "good DAO trigger" is. I just know I shot an LCR, and thought it was abysmal compared to any other revolver or pistol I've shot. It crept, was grinding, then crept some more, then you thought it would fire, then crept some more, then suddenly surprised you when it actually did fire. Not for me.
I have one. I shot a bunch of bulk ammo through it to get the feel of the trigger. It was hitting a little low for me. I put up a fresh target at 50 feet, loaded up 8 minimags and took a 12 o'clock hold on the target. I then put all 8 in the black of a 2" bullseye with 2 in the x. That was the best, first day with a new revolver I ever had.
I have one. I shot a bunch of bulk ammo through it to get the feel of the trigger. It was hitting a little low for me. I put up a fresh target at 50 feet, loaded up 8 minimags and took a 12 o'clock hold on the target. I then put all 8 in the black of a 2" bullseye with 2 in the x. That was the best, first day with a new revolver I ever had.

Great to hear! Congrats on picking one up!
They are fun. The trigger is fantastic once you get used to it. I have other 22 handguns that are easier to shoot accurately with but, I would rather shoot this one. I bought my SR22PB around the same time. I have exponentially more rounds through the LCR. To be fair, the SR22 is way easier to shoot accurately. It's so nice it's boring. The LCR is not boring. There's nothing more fun than bringing every stinking different type of 22 ammo I can find to the range and "testing" it with my LCR.
My dad picked one of these up last week and we went and shot it today. I hated having to let the trigger allll the way out to reset it (and as mentioned above, it does seem to have a false reset point), but otherwise it's not a bad little gun.
My dad picked one of these up last week and we went and shot it today. I hated having to let the trigger allll the way out to reset it (and as mentioned above, it does seem to have a false reset point), but otherwise it's not a bad little gun.

The false resets (there seemed to be 2 false and 1 real) are the reason I sold my LCR and got a S&W 442. I could never get used to it, especially when I tried to shoot it fast.
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