Ruger Mark III rear site misaligned while firing

Jan 4, 2009
New Hampshire
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While I was out at the range the other day the rear sight shifted over to the left a good 1/4 inch while I was firing. The rear sight isn't loose just misaligned. The middle screw is for sight adjustment and the screw to the left is a set screw that goes all the way to the bottom of the site. The rear sight is in a dovetail grove. I'm pretty sure the purpose of that set screw is to lock the sight in place. What would be the best way to realign this? I know a special press tool is used to swap glock and sig sights, I don't have one of those. I'm thinking if I removed the set screw and use a small soft face hammer to tap it back in place it should work but thought I ask around before smash my rear sight up.

These guns are NOTORIOUS for this. Mine did this, as did a brand new one that belongs to a friend of mine. I fixed mine by pulling the set screw and gently tapping a wooden block with a hammer to loosen it up. YMMV
I'm interested in responses here as well. I own the MK III Hunter. Not sure if the picture here matches my rear sight. Mine has the V notch.

Anyway, I want to adjust the rear sight as well as it is off. There is not a lot of information on doing it. Guess I'm spoiled with having easy access to info on the Internet. Without it I was planning on putting it on a bench rest at an indoor range and just start turning screws.

Any help would be appreciated. Although I'm sure this is not a very popular subject.
I'm interested in responses here as well. I own the MK III Hunter. Not sure if the picture here matches my rear sight. Mine has the V notch.

Anyway, I want to adjust the rear sight as well as it is off. There is not a lot of information on doing it. Guess I'm spoiled with having easy access to info on the Internet. Without it I was planning on putting it on a bench rest at an indoor range and just start turning screws.

Any help would be appreciated. Although I'm sure this is not a very popular subject.

The one is the picture is a Mark III hunter with the V notch. I've tinkered with the sight adjustment in the past but have it set somewhat neutral now. At 50 feet you have to go 6-7 clicks in order to have a noticeable change. I really only like the fiber optics sights when I'm outdoors. Indoor not so much, I've debated on picking up the stock Ruger competition sites.

I replaced my 22/45 with one of these, I bought the 22/45 for cheap as the sight was broken and prvious owner beat the snot out of it. no machanical ability at all.

It claims to be for bull barrels only? I also have the MKIII hunter. the sights are constantly comeing loose. I have not or do not shoot it enough to care.

From my exsperience with the MKIII. Factory sights aint to good unless you pick a distance and leave it alone. counting clicks to get it back to where it was turns out to be pointless. I bought a cheap wal mart red dot for it. have yet to mount it.

I paid 379.00 for mine at Fourseasons when they first came to mass. I can not bring myself to dish out 65+ for a gun I do not shoot much.
I believe Millet makes a rear sight for the Ruger 22 pistols. I have their rear sights on 3 of my Ruger revolvers and have been quite pleased with them.
This can easily be fixed. On top of the sight the small allen head is the "set screw" make a small detent with a drill. This will hold the sight in place. Get the sight in the right location, tighten the allen enough to make a mark in the dovetail, then drill. Greg

I replaced my 22/45 with one of these, I bought the 22/45 for cheap as the sight was broken and prvious owner beat the snot out of it. no machanical ability at all.

It claims to be for bull barrels only? I also have the MKIII hunter. the sights are constantly comeing loose. I have not or do not shoot it enough to care.

From my exsperience with the MKIII. Factory sights aint to good unless you pick a distance and leave it alone. counting clicks to get it back to where it was turns out to be pointless. I bought a cheap wal mart red dot for it. have yet to mount it.

I paid 379.00 for mine at Fourseasons when they first came to mass. I can not bring myself to dish out 65+ for a gun I do not shoot much.

Loctite has kept the front site in place for me. It used to loosen up every two hundred rounds. I did also mount a BSA red dot to try it out. It was my quick fix over replacing the sights. It bumped my bulls eye scores almost 50 points over the stock sights.
This can easily be fixed. On top of the sight the small allen head is the "set screw" make a small detent with a drill. This will hold the sight in place. Get the sight in the right location, tighten the allen enough to make a mark in the dovetail, then drill. Greg

Hmm I would have figured Ruger would have done that from the start. I got the sight realign with a hammer and wood block so for now all is good. Thanks for help everyone.
Mine was loose in the box, I centered it up, cleaned everything up with alcohol blue lock tite and then when tightening the set screw, tap the end of the screw driver with a nylon hammer to "set" the screw.

been fine for over a year now
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