Ruger Mini 30 Firing Pin Problems

May 28, 2010
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I just bought a Mini 30 and am using the russian Silver Bear Ammo.I probably get about one misfire out of every 10 rounds.It's not a mag issue as I can see a ding on the primer of the unfired rounds.A little research on the net has shown people discussing the Ruger Firing Pin/Spring as being relatively weak as far as firing Berdan Primers.My question is,how much would it cost to put a stronger Pin/Spring in this rifle,and do you guys think it's worth doing.The alternative is to sell the rifle and just buy an AK as I like the 7.62 round.Any advice would be appreciated......Thanks
Ditch the Ruger and get yourself an AK. I personally want a battle gun that goes boom every time, not one that goes click one out of 10 times. Sell the gun at a discount and let the person be fully aware of the problem you are experiencing.
Ditch the Ruger and get yourself an AK. I personally want a battle gun that goes boom every time, not one that goes click one out of 10 times. Sell the gun at a discount and let the person be fully aware of the problem you are experiencing.

I agree with this. You can probably get a WASR 10 with the money left over +/- a little depending on how the sale goes. You shouldn't run in to the same light primer strikes problem if you go this route.
What Salty said. Short money and about a 5 minute job. For a few bucks more you can upgrade the recoil spring and buffer while you have it apart. I did mine a year or 2 ago and it was like $40.00 for everything. Hasn't misfired since.
What Salty said. Short money and about a 5 minute job. For a few bucks more you can upgrade the recoil spring and buffer while you have it apart. I did mine a year or 2 ago and it was like $40.00 for everything. Hasn't misfired since.

Thanks for the advice.......I ordered a heavier spring a couple of days ago....TN,did you do this job yourself?
OTU; sorry for not responding sooner. I have not been on-line for a while. Yes, I did the install myself. It is really a simple job. The only thing that is a little tricky is the trigger return spring. Be sure to pin it in place before you get to far along. There is a hole in the bar for this reason to keep that spring captive. The trigger mechanism is pretty simple. The recoil spring and buffer just drop in. Break it down and give it a good cleaning and just use the new parts when you reassemble things.
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