I just got back from shooting my SR22 for the first time. Right away, I found that this gun is vastly more accurate than my Walther P22. Operationally, I thought this gun is superior in almost every way.
My only complaint is that the gun consistently failed to feed the last round of the mag every 2-3 mags or so. When I mean failed to feed, I don't mean that it failed to strip the round from the mag, but rather the cartridge got hung mid-way with the slide slamming into the case wall. I would probably call it a chambering problem versus a feeding one.
This became quite irritating as it was with both mags. Other than that, the gun was extremely reliable during the entire session. With the exception of the last round in the mag, the gun ate and spate out everything just fine.
Used 200 rds CCI Blazer, 100 rds CCI Mini-mags, and a couple of mags of Stingers and Velocitors just for function testing. I didn't have any issues with the Stingers or Velocitors, but then again I don't think I shot enough of them to be sure. I should have brought some standard velocity rounds, but didn't think I needed to test with them.
Anyone else experience an issue like this? Picked up mine from FS last weekend.