Terraformer- I don't think you know me individually. I am very pro 2A. Fact. Not opinion. Not sure how you measure whether someone is Pro 2A or not. I would be happy to answer any questions you have regarding my stance on the 2A or any issue regarding the HSC. You seem like a very intelligent person (judging by your posts)and I wouldn't want you to form an opinion of me based on misinformation or assumptions.
I was responding to Ross' comment specifically and meant it when I said we all are entitled to our opinions. I wasn't suggesting you weren't and I wasn't suggesting I wouldn't vote for you personally. Although that is about you specifically and may or may not apply to others on that list whom I do have well informed opinions of.
The problem at HSC has historically been that a certain contingent of folks around the club have tended to want to pass reasonable sounding rules which do nothing to protect the safety and security of the club. They also looked to bend over backwards for institutional users who trash the part of the club they use while complaining that a particular range they don't use was too cluttered with trash.
Yes, there are problems that pop up, but I also know that the folks that Clarence puts his weight behind are very willing to focus on the bad actors and not pass the club equivalent of "reasonable regulations" against everyone for the bad actions of a few. It's a slippery slope and for one to see what happens when a club bows to political pressure of the towns they are in or to the absurdity of reasonable regulations, you get clubs like MRA, Andover or other such stupidity. You know how many clubs still to this day limit mags to 5 rounds? Way too many. Do I think anyone running for HSC elected positions advocate that? No. But my point is that a lot of these other rules lead down the path of more and more control over how people use the club.
Case in point, a particular group of members filmed a video at HSC a while back and on the video showed some very stupid behavior. It was taken care of specifically for that incident the way it should have been and I don't believe any new rules were laid down as a result. That's the way it should be.
Over the last few years the biggest brouhahas to occur have been about how much work individual members do, the need to ensure that those who dedicate their time to the club get the support that they need. If that's all we are complaining about though, the system is working. In the past, the personality conflicts had been stifling and caused far more issues than they solved. That needs to be kept to a minimum.
Oh, and the Boy Scout thing which was more an issue of the boy scout policy that has become batshit absurd. Do they verify the backgrounds of the caterers who work their parties? No, so instead of screwing it up for all of us, they should have relied on their leadership to watch their own as it should be. Closing the club didn't do anything for the safety of the scouts from predators. Period. We were bullied into that. We probably should have said no. The scouts could have headed down to Yawgoog in RI. They have a rifle range down there.