S&W 460 Mag - anyone like it? Might get one..

Feb 12, 2011
Western MA
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Does anyone have one of the S&W 460 magnums? The ES version looks like a "wrist or arm breaker" but the longer barrels look like fun to shoot, I was just wondering what anyone that has one thinks about it. Seriously thinking about picking one up but wanted to hear some "reviews" or opinions or whatever first.

One of these were being shot about 20 feet from me today at the range. It was a three inch barrel and I could feel the concussion and heat. It was freaking awesome but I can't imagine shooting it more than a few times at the range.
My friend jerimiah has one, the long barrel version it hurts just looking at it. Lol he loves his 454 casul raging better though i suspect cause he talks about that more
I got a chance to shoot EddieCoyle's 460 @ last years Shoot-B-Q.........at least I think it was a 460 -- the blast may have killed a few brain cells. Lots o' fun.
I've got a couple of them. They can be expensive to shoot if you don't reload, or very cheap to shoot if you do.

It's the loudest handgun I own.
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