savage 10fp VS. cz550 kevlar varmint

Apr 2, 2009
south central worc county
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Hi all,

Like the title says, Im looking for actual experience wrt handling and shooting the two rifles in question, a Savage 10fp or a CZ550 varmint kevlar, both .308 and heavy barrels.

The cz is detachable mag fed, savage is not. Thats about the only major difference I can see.
I would love any other info you have good, bad, opinions, accesories availability.

i recently bought a savage 10fcp-k, it is almost the same. I love it, the trigger is great and I can get .5" 3 shot groups and .75" 5shot groups. i havent shot past 100yds yet, I am hoping to soon. The 10fcp-k is a detatchable mag but finding mags for it seems to be tough.

I cant say anything about the CZ but i hope this helps.
i recently bought a savage 10fcp-k, it is almost the same. I love it, the trigger is great and I can get .5" 3 shot groups and .75" 5shot groups. i havent shot past 100yds yet, I am hoping to soon. The 10fcp-k is a detatchable mag but finding mags for it seems to be tough.
I cant say anything about the CZ but i hope this helps.

You can get 9-round .308 mags here.
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