Savage Impulse Predator


NES Member
Jun 24, 2016
Feedback: 2 / 0 / 0
I have a line on one of these in 308. I do want a bolt action gun but I'm left handed so that makes operating the bolt on a traditional gun kind of awkward. Learning to shoot right handed is out f the question as I am left eye dominate and also have better vision in my left eye. For those that are not familiar with this model at least on its spec it is a straight pull bolt. It is also set up so I will be able to move the bolt handle to the left side. It is going to need an optic since it doesn't have sights, just a rail to mount to. I'm leaning to this rifle mostly because I can swap sides with the bolt handle but it also comes with a 10 round magazine. I have heard good things about Savage rifles although I have no experience with them personally.

Guess I'm looking for some feedback on this rifle before I make my final decision.
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