Savage mark II trr

Feb 1, 2011
Gardner, MA
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Has anyone shot one held one fondues one? I believe this is the high end of the mark II line. 22 inch fluted threaded barrel, black stock railed scope mount. I saw one but didn't have time to check it out but I'm intrigued. I don't have a true target 23, I have a ruger 10/22 plinker, the sr22 pistol, an stg 44-22 just for coolness factor and a low end savage mark 2. I like the savage I have bug it doesn't have the accutrigger like the mark 2 trr. I'm just looking for opinions here.

Also what do you guys recommend for a good target rim fire scope?
Not sure what low end Savage you have, but you can upgrade the to the Rifle Basix.
Rifle Basix, Custom Bolt-Action Triggers
I think this trigger is nicer than the the AccuTrigger, I have 1 rifle with one and the another with the AccuTrigger, the Basix has cleaner break and can be adjusted down to 1.25#s.

When you say Target Rifle, how do you categorize a target rifle? These rifles are what I would consider a target rifle:
- Anschutz 54
- Izmash CM2

The Mark II TRR would be a plinking rifle for me. I've take the Savage Mark II FVT and upgraded the trigger, stock and bedded the action to make it into a target rifle. So I took a rifle that's MSRP is $455 and put in another $600 to accurize it. I've also spent $400 on older used Anschutz 1427 rifles and put in $1k to upgrade the trigger, sights and a small parts. The Anschutz even though they are older out shoot the Savage by a decent margin.
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What I mean by target 22 is a gun made specifically for target shooting not just plinking. I realize there are much nicer more expensive brands out there but for 550-600 range it's getting great reviews.
do you want to participate in matches or are you looking for a rifle that can consistently group holes in paper.

a similar rifle to the TRR is the CZ 455, but it costs a little bit more.

one thing about the savages is that they all see to have a very short LOP. i've shouldered the FV-SR in the lastt week or so and that was too short for me. the rifle you are looking at has a different stock, but when you look at the overall length they are about the same. the FV-SR is 35.25" with a 16.5" barrel and the TRR is 40" with a 22" barrel...
I' want a 22 I can't push the limited more than just a plinker.

Matches could be in my future, but as of right now I'm not planning it. Tight groups and pushing it out further. The savage I have now is pretty low end and it doesn't group much past 70 yards.
I' want a 22 I can't push the limited more than just a plinker.

Matches could be in my future, but as of right now I'm not planning it. Tight groups and pushing it out further. The savage I have now is pretty low end and it doesn't group much past 70 yards.

take a pic of your savage.

try the following with your rifle before spending money on a new one.
- Rifle Basix trigger
- bed the action, you can use JB weld
- de-copper the barrel and do a thorough clean
- Tubb's Final Finish

I have a Lakefield Target, which is the Savage MK predecessor and I was shooting 1" groups with it when I got it. it now shoots at just under 0.5"
If you really want that stock, you can get it for your MkII from Boyds, as well. I've got one that I'm converting to left hand for my MkII.

That, and colt-fan's list of upgrades would get you a better rifle than the TR out of the box. Take a look at the Mueller APV scope, as well.
I appreciate all the info guys. I do not think I have the knowledge or skill to bed the action, replacing the trigger would'nt be hard. The mark II that I have was a cheap dicks special think it was 189 and the first gun I ever bought.
I appreciate all the info guys. I do not think I have the knowledge or skill to bed the action, replacing the trigger would'nt be hard. The mark II that I have was a cheap dicks special think it was 189 and the first gun I ever bought.

Bedding isn't as bad as it sounds - there are a few threads on the whole process on and RimfireCentral you might want to look at. And, if you are replacing the stock anyway, you can practice bedding on the original stock, get your skills improved before going for the real thing.
Well, that can be replaced, too. Its a bit more involved, but the barrel is only pinned into the receiver. Not a challenging job for a gunsmith with a lathe, though.

There is something to be said for buying the TRR and being able to shoot right now. It could still use bedding though, so you might want to hang onto your first one to practice on.
Well, that can be replaced, too. Its a bit more involved, but the barrel is only pinned into the receiver. Not a challenging job for a gunsmith with a lathe, though.

There is something to be said for buying the TRR and being able to shoot right now. It could still use bedding though, so you might want to hang onto your first one to practice on.

I'm mulling over the trr I think I'd rather buy that with the nicer barrell and reviewer and stock then work to improve that one. Plus it's got the threaded barrel if I ever escape the iron curtain I can put a suppressor on it, and or add a nice muzzle break
Bedding isn't as bad as it sounds - there are a few threads on the whole process on and RimfireCentral you might want to look at. And, if you are replacing the stock anyway, you can practice bedding on the original stock, get your skills improved before going for the real thing.

this! go to the hardware store get some painters tape, shoe polish and JB Weld. some people will dimple the inside of the stock for more surface area, but it's not necessary. depending on the stock, if there are metal inserts for the action screws you can go to town and bed it. otherwise it will be a more involved process with inletting for pillars. it's not hard to do, it can be done with a hand drill and patience.

so save it for a rainy day project and get the TRR to shoot in the meanwhile. there is never such a thing as too many guns.

i just got another lakefield target and i'll be sure to take pics, maybe video, when i jb bed the action with jb weld.
I've made my choice I'm buying the the trr and ill read up on bedding the action. When I feel comfy ill try it on my cheaper one. Then if it comes out nice ill try it on the trr along with trigger etc..

So on to scopes do any local shops have a good selection?
most shops won't carry a large selection of scopes because margins are so low.

you'll find a lot of people with this scope, i have 2 different 22s with it on:
Mueller APT 4.5-14x44AO Tactical Mueller Optics

for the money, it has decent glass and holds 0 on a 22.

I can only think of 2 local to me carry a decent section. I've noticed online many people recommend that scope. I like to put my hands on things before I buy them. Ill take my time and shop around potentially buying online.
I'm updating this thread. I bought the mark II. I freaken love it. I added a Nikon prostaff 2-7x32 scope to it, but ill be upgrading this to something more powerful when I find something I love. The Nikon is great it may go on my 10-22 or my black powder. I also added a harried bipod and couldn't be happier.

I sighted it in with mini mags and it's extremely accurate. Here she is ImageUploadedByTapatalk1362255455.110495.jpg

Interesting target this is 50 yards, the mini mags are dead center, for comparison I shot some cci standard velocity through it, notice the grouping in the large orange section, at 50 yards notice the bullet drop from the mini mags with the same aim point.
I have a mark II target its a great shooter it printed a 1 1/2" four shot group at 100 yards today with cheep CCI Blazer. Almost put two in one hole
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