Say hello to my friend Smith and his liitle brother Wesson....

How you like the M&P9?
I dont have trigger time with it but many people seem to like it.
Not sure if it's a carry-over of the Magpul videos, or the relatively low price but it does
seem to hold its own very well.
The difference between the 9mm and the .380 is 2mm in case length, generally a lighter bullet, and significantly less stopping power. Which is saying a lot, considering that the 9mm isn't exactly a powerhouse.
I like the 9, but I will have the trigger done on it sometime. I picked it last March and only have around 400ish thru it. But I have never had a FTF or jam with it.
The difference between the 9mm and the .380 is 2mm in case length, generally a lighter bullet, and significantly less stopping power. Which is saying a lot, considering that the 9mm isn't exactly a powerhouse.

It's kinda like the difference between a .22L and a .22XL
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