Scenario for you - have a think

2 M1 Garand = $1100

1000 rnds M2 Ball $500

500 rnds .45 $250

5000 rnds .22 $250

2 M&P 45 $1200

2 Ruger 10/22 $800

holsters $150

M14 with scope $2200

500 rounds .308 $500
1.You've lost all your guns & accessories - absolutely everything (from e.g. Tsunami, earthquake, fire / whatever - it's all gone)

If I lost everything from a tsunami or earthquake so did everyone else and the price to replace it would be to much.

We still haven't recovered from the shooting and you talking disasters.

It would be hookers and blow, you can have the guns you can't get ammo for.[smile]
Ruger 10/22 Take Down- $325
Glock 19- $500
Glock 26- $600
AR 15- $1000
Mini 14- $650
Savage 111 in 30.06- $300
Ruger SR22 pistol- $325
Holsters for pistols- $150
Scope for Savage- $500
Bipod, mags & misc accessories-$650
$2500 for ammo

The Glocks are purchased in a free state or a fair price in Mass used(yeah right). Hell, just consider that I moved to a free state. If my house and everything else got trashed there's no reason to stay here, I'm gone.
2- AR15 16" w/20 mags $2300
1- Mossberg 500 w/bird, field, and slug barrel $450
1- Ruger 22/45 w/5 mags $600
1- 22lr revolver $300
1- G19 w/5 mags $600
1- Keltec P11 w/4 mags $450
1- Savage bolt .308 w/ok glass $650
1- 10/22 w/ red dot and 5 mags $300
AR 22lr conversion kit w/3 mags $150
Fobus OWB holsters and basic pouch ones $150
This should leave me with $1500 for ammo
2k of .223 $900
5k of 22lr $250
1k of 9mm $350
Some 12g with pocket money
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