School Mass Shootings, Operation Gladio & American Bolshevik Revolution


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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OPERATION GLADIO and the very stealthy “Strategy of Tension” paving the way for the American Bolshevik Revolution.​

SOTN Editor’s Note: The article posted below in its entirety is supremely important because it underscores the multi-decade criminal conspiracy to carry out an Operation Gladio-level campaign of terrorism via mass shootings against the American people.​

*Operation Gladio is the terrorist arm of NATO (aka North Atlantic Terrorist Organization)

As the excerpt below indicates “Operation Gladio was a CIA-led operation that used the strategy of tension to delegitimize left-wing parties in Western Europe”. However, The Powers That Be always adapt their nefarious schemes and seditious plots to the current times so as to align with the primary objectives of their civilization-destroying New World Order agenda. In other words, today the well concealed masters of Operation Gladio are using that main terrorist arm of NATO to completely collapse the Right-wing parties and conservative organizations and Christian groups, as well as the Patriot Movement, MAGA Movement and Truth Movement.​

What’s the critical point?

There are actually three crucial aspects to the ongoing prep phase of the rapidly intensifying American Bolshevik Revolution.​

First, that virtually every mass shooting since the first BIG one — the University of Texas tower mass casualty event (MCE) on August 1, 1966 — has been carried out by the U.S. Intelligence Community, U.S. Armed Forces and covered up by local law enforcement and the CIA’s Mockingbird Media. The primary purpose of these MCEs is to fabricate a false pretext by which to completely cancel the Second Amendment thereby stripping the populace of their firearms. In this way their future plans for a UN force to come in and take over, after the American Bolshevik Revolution is completed, will proceed unimpeded and without an armed defense by the citizenry.​

Secondly, to methodically manufacture as much chaos, confusion and conflict nationwide as a prelude to the long planned kinetic war known as the American Bolshevik Revolution. This strategy comes right from the same playbook that the Khazarian Cabal used for the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, which was purposefully launched just before the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic. This is the primary piece of their “strategy of tension” that’s being used with great success in all 50 states so as to create a profound and pervasive climate of fear and anxiety, trepidation and apprehension, worry and concern. And it’s working.​

Thirdly, to normalize the extraordinary violence and mayhem associated with each and every mass shooting so that it becomes the new normal for these once United States. And, so that very few folks will ever come to understand that the U.S. citizenry has been under withering attacks from its own government for 6 straight decades. In other words, America’s own intel community, military and law enforcement have been waging nonstop asymmetric guerrilla warfare against the law-abiding citizens … and everyone accepts it as lone-nut mass shooters without any real investigations, prosecutions or appropriate consequences.​

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