Searching for a rifle *updated with pics 6/23*

**Follow up**

Havent had a chance to go to the range and honestly glad I havent. Been having some trouble cycling the bolt. And upon further inspection I see a few problems. 1.) The feed ramp has a ridge at the top for some reason and the bullet tips are hitting it and getting stuck, some bullets have gouges and scratches. 2.) The bolt is also taking a lot of brass off the cases and has severely damaged them. 3.) The bolt itself looks damaged. Ill be posting some pictures. Not pleased at all, taking it in tomorrow and probably going back to MB. Honestly the damn thing is brand new and I dont even want it now.

That sucks.... although I'm not surprised from mossberg.
That bolt? Is that a hole in the metal like a air pocket from cast. I'm not surprised at all if most parts are cast. As for the brass getting beat up...I have a few rifles that do that. I think it's more magazine tension on the cartridge ?
My 1903a4 reproduction did this for a while until the finish worn a bit. Feed ramps on less expensive mass produced guns can be poorly finished....functional yes.
Back when I was shooting trap lots of people jumped on the silver reserve shotgun ship. Those where blessed with their issues also . The people I know with problems Mossberg took care of them and resolved the issues. IMHO Mossberg has not made a really decent product for sometime.
Do they work...yes are they less expensive than others, yes.
I hope you send it back to mossberg that bolt looks awful even for a entry bolt gun.
That hole is where a pin goes as its spring loaded. As a engineer for a manufacturing company that jig must be screwed up big time. If you insert a full magazine in with the bolt closed you CAN NOT pull the bolt rearward those two ramps jam up so bad itll only go If you slam it rearward. I will take some videos to show some of this. I am pretty let down right now, ifnit has to go back the MB I dont even want it. Its brand new! I know companies make mistakes but this is a common problem among the 7.62 mvps and other rifles as they use this same bolt. Will post back in a little bit when I upload the video. Knew I should have bought the ruger..

Heres a similar post from the MBforum:
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Dont bother emailing mossberg cuz they dont respond....probably email is too modern for them. They do better via phone, preferably rotary variety.

Seriously though they will likely provide a new bolt. The bolt design on the MVP is unusual and a point of contention for many. My 5.56 MVP patrol performed great for me but I ended up selling it since I had no use for it and the "SHTF I need a bolt gun to use AR mags" never really panned out.

good luck OP i hope you get your rifle up and running.
Man, that sucks. Sorry you got a bum bolt. I'd definitely get a replacement from them. I can't speak to the 7.62 version of the gun.... but folks I know who have the 5.56 love the thing.
The problems seem to be with the 7.62 bolt. The 5.56 uses a different style slightly. For all I know it could be a mag problem for the feeding but the lip on the feed ramp is stupid.
I would not hold your breath on the ruger being so much better? Poke around they have their share of bolt issues.
Sadly this is what you can get for a 500$ish bolt gun.... my dad was never a fan of mossberg and like me to say if you expect a mossberg to function more than sometimes you will be disappointed.
Now I had a,mossberg 500 that was well used borderline abused and ran for ever. Had a few old tArget 22s from the 50s that where very good.....

Your gun does you no good if you don't make mossberg fix it.
That bolt looks like shit to be honest, compared to mine. On my 5.56 MVP the bolt has a much better finish. It runs better each time I shoot, and I'm probably 500ish rounds into the rifle. I think MB owes you a new bolt, lol.

Sorry man. I love my MB but won't be buying another one.
Just left the gun parlor. They couldnt find anything wrong with it aside from maybe Im being too gentle with it. The guy does agree the lip on the feed ramp doesnt help at all. Going to talk to mossberg now. I did pick up a pmag since some people recommended them to smooth it out .
Just left the gun parlor. They couldnt find anything wrong with it aside from maybe Im being too gentle with it. The guy does agree the lip on the feed ramp doesnt help at all. Going to talk to mossberg now. I did pick up a pmag since some people recommended them to smooth it out .

Trying different mags might help. As you say in the video it gets easier with less rounds in the magazine. I still lean on a mag issue for that part of your problem.
Feed ramp? the bullet tip will hit the ramp but there should be no felt "lip" or edge for the bullet or case mouth/neck to catch on. Some feed ramps will feel like a gravel road when you run your finger on it.

Honestly I would clean the shit out of it and give it a good lube....gun looks pretty dry ? Then I would go put a few rounds down range and function the rifle as it should be with it up against your shoulder.....if you end up not liking it consider one of these VANGUARD® SYNTHETIC friend picked up one in 223 for his kid and hes stupidly pleased.
Well the Pmag makes a HUGE difference. I can operate the bolt backwards with one finger now. Even forward is smoother. Just need to polish the feed ramp and Ill be good to go even more. As frustrated as I have been with this thing I hate giving up on things. Hopefully it shoots well after all this.
Curious if you've talked to Mossberg yet...and if so, what they said. Judging by the pics of the bolt, I would've sent them the same pics and asked for a replacement before doing much else...
I actually had a mossberg rep email me from the MVP site. He said the issues I am having are not normal and they are sending me a shipping box and fedex overnight express label to send the rifle in. Sucks that I am out a rifle for a few weeks but it is what it is. Hopefully its returned quickly and in working order. This whole ordeal just sucks. And people wonder why I stick to pistols.
I actually had a mossberg rep email me from the MVP site. He said the issues I am having are not normal and they are sending me a shipping box and fedex overnight express label to send the rifle in. Sucks that I am out a rifle for a few weeks but it is what it is. Hopefully its returned quickly and in working order. This whole ordeal just sucks. And people wonder why I stick to pistols.

At least customer service is going to take care of it. If you have not had issues with handguns you must be buying the better ones. Taurus,Charter,chiappa just to name a few.
The problem with most budget guns is they are slapped together and tossed out the door. Basically if the parts go to gether and cycle it's GTG. What is sad is mossberg made some pretty good stuff way back. Seems they started to go down in the 1970s.
Find a,mossberg 500 made in 1965 and compare it to one made post 1980.

I don't really understand though. Mossberg made some great bolt actions through 19040-60s why they can't really do it again is,beyond me. With a history of manufacturing that they have there is,no reason they can't produce something nice. Big problem is the process. They batch test 1 out of XXXX rifles if it's good they are all good

I sold off almost all my guns in 2000 to buy my house. In that was a mossberg 37 44 and 46 nice little target rifles. Also had a 20g bolt shotgun which was smooth as silk.

Looking forward to results and a range report.
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I've not heard of any consistent qualiity problems with Mossberg shotguns lately. Certainly nothing like Remington.

The 930 Jerry Miculek model has proven to be a decent low budget 3 gun shotgun.

Well Ive got the rifle back already. Pretty quick turn around. The ended up changing the entire receiver and a new bolt. It cycles a lot smoother now. The new receiver is milled differently inside. Ill grab some pics to compare before and now. They shipped it to my house which I thought was odd especially since the new receiver doesnt match my FA10. Need to figure that mess out now.
Well Ive got the rifle back already. Pretty quick turn around. The ended up changing the entire receiver and a new bolt. It cycles a lot smoother now. The new receiver is milled differently inside. Ill grab some pics to compare before and now. They shipped it to my house which I thought was odd especially since the new receiver doesnt match my FA10. Need to figure that mess out now.

Do an eFA10 registration with the new serial number and just call it a day.

Or call the FRB and ask them how they want you to do it. I suspect they will tell you to do just that.

Well I havent had a chance to get to the range like I would have liked but heres some pictures showing what was done. You can see how the feed ramp has a groove in it now. Its feeding much cleaner right now. I can operate the bolt with one or two fingers. Anyways heres some pics, hope to update this soon with a range report. I have to say though, I love the trigger on this thing. Also picked up a preban 20rd magazine, while it looks cool it makes everything very heavy.


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Well I FINALLY got to bring this to the range. The good part is the action is smooth and the gun fires great. The bad part is the scope mount loosened up on me and after the first few shots I couldnt hit the broad side of a barn.. Going to blue loctite the 4 bolts as per online instructions and go from there. My first time firing a rifle in anything larger than a .223 and I must admit the .308 has some kick to it but I loved it.
Well I FINALLY got to bring this to the range. The good part is the action is smooth and the gun fires great. The bad part is the scope mount loosened up on me and after the first few shots I couldnt hit the broad side of a barn.. Going to blue loctite the 4 bolts as per online instructions and go from there. My first time firing a rifle in anything larger than a .223 and I must admit the .308 has some kick to it but I loved it.

Do you have a inch lb torque wrench/screw driver?
I'm no pro but I learned you need to clean the oils off the threads and mating surfaces of the scope and rings. Then torque screws to manufactures specs. My scopes have yet to come loose since.
I also check them here and there.
What scope did that rig come with
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Yeah being my first rifle aside from a mosin and sks I inherited it was something I over looked. I planned to blow out the threads with air and clean the screws. Theyre small hex heads. It came with a rail on top but no scope. I bought a cheapie BSA for now before investing in a good one to see how the gun shot. I dont get to go to the range as much as I wish so it sucks having a set back. Only plus side was my G33 shot great lol
Yeah being my first rifle aside from a mosin and sks I inherited it was something I over looked. I planned to blow out the threads with air and clean the screws. Theyre small hex heads. It came with a rail on top but no scope. I bought a cheapie BSA for now before investing in a good one to see how the gun shot. I dont get to go to the range as much as I wish so it sucks having a set back. Only plus side was my G33 shot great lol

I'm lucky to get out once a month. July I got out 2 times. My daughter asked me to take her. She loves shooting steel with the 22s. Had her dinging steel with the 22 AR @ 100 yards. Loved it.

Many times the rings just suck. If you used the rings with the scope they just might be crappy.
Often when I have a scope come under done I will just shoot for groups where ever they may land on the target. I buy that Brown paper roll painters use to cover stairs/floors. 32" wide or so 200' long. I put nice clean sheet on the backer. That way you see your hits even if off the target. Often I just paint 6" black circles right on the paper or 3" for 50 yards.

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