Semi-survival campout

Mar 23, 2006
Live Free or Die !
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I called it semi-survival because I'm lucky to get in and back out under my own power...[smile] Well, not-so-little Twigg spoke the magic words (Take me camping Dad!) the other day, so we did a quick overnight hike this weekend to undisclosed location
on public land.

We had roughly a mile hike in from the road to a 2000 ft summit (more like a big flat spot) and then we bushwacked off trail a hundred yards or so and set up a tarp lean to.

Here's our cooking set-up, who needs stoves ?

Given the dryness of the forest floor we made a rather small fire on top of a convenient boulder with two smaller rocks to hold the kettle.
Yes there was water on hand in case of sparks.

Ever notice no matter wher you sit the wind always blows smoke in your face ?

We watched the stars come out and had the coyotes sing us to sleep. With the dawn came chirping birdsong punctuated by the pounding of a pileated woodpecker (the big ones) we had a brief glimpse of him but he proved too camera shy.

After a breakfast of Spam & Eggs we saddled up and hiked back out to the truck.

We had fun, (that's the important part) and I spent the rest of today easing what was left of my my sore muscles with tylenol.[wink]
First the bad news: Black flies are starting to show. [frown] [sad]

Then the good news; if you're smart pick a spot on a ridge where the breeze'll keep 'em at bay.

If that don't work for ya there's always Ole Time Woodsman Fly Dope. [smile]
Thing about that stuff is it's pine tar based so it sticks (and it stinks!) Even though I took a shower after we returned MrsTwigg kicked me out of bed last night because I still smelled like an old woodsman. Had to take another shower. [laugh] I've been using that since 1978, it's the only thing I found which works for me. [thinking]

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nice MrTwigg, that looks like a great time with the boy. i cant wait until my daughter is old enough to take with me on trips like that
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