Senate Votes To Uphold 2nd Amendment

Oct 13, 2008
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U.S. Senate Votes to Uphold
Second Amendment in Washington, D.C.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Fairfax, Va. - The United States Senate has voted, with overwhelming bipartisan support, to adopt an amendment offered by Senator John Ensign (R-NV) that seeks to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens in the District of Columbia. The amendment, attached to S.160, the D.C. Voting Rights Act, will repeal restrictive gun control laws passed by the District of Columbia's (D.C.) city council after the landmark D.C. v. Heller Supreme Court decision. The vote margin was 62-36.

"Today's vote brings us one step closer to restoring the Second Amendment freedom of law-abiding D.C. residents," said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. "It's ludicrous that good people in our nation's capital continue to be harassed as they try to defend themselves and their loved ones in their own homes. This vote reinforces the historic Heller ruling."

After the Heller ruling, the D.C. city council passed a law requiring would-be gun owners to pay a registration fee, pass a 20-question multiple choice test, take a five-hour training course, undergo an invasive background check every six years, re-register any firearm every three years, and finally, submit all handguns for ballistics testing. Current D.C. law also bans an overwhelming majority of firearms commonly used for self-defense. This Ensign Amendment would also remedy that unjust practice.

"NRA would like to thank the lead sponsor, Sen. John Ensign for his efforts to reform D.C.'s gun laws and enable folks to protect their property and their loved ones," concluded Cox. "It's time for leaders in Washington to wake up to the fact that the Supreme Court decision is now the law of the land."

If true, it will ease my concern a little over the potential assault weapon ban. What really isn't good is all the restriction that was put in place to have a handgun by the city council. That is worse then even in our state. You have to submit your handguns for testing and reregister them every three years. Talk about a boondoggle that will turn into.
My e-mail to Jack Reed of RI (nay)

I find your voting nay on S.Amdt. 575 to S. 160 (District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act of 2009) to be contrary to the directives of the U.S. Constitution and the interests of the American people as a whole. I will do everything I can to support anyone running against you so that you can be removed from an office which you do not deserve to hold. I apologize if this has taken away any time from your blind support of and being a yes man to President Obama and the doling out of earmarks and pork spending relabeled as "stimulus". I await your vapid automated reply that was pre-written by some serf that has the misfortune of working for your office.
Wasn't this bill actually about DC getting a Representative in the House? I think the 2nd amendment part of it was just attached at the end. Nonetheless I'm glad Gregg voted yea.
I may change my opinion on him yet seeing he turned down Obama's nomination, voted against the stimulus, and now voted in favor of 2a rights.

ETA Shaheen fails.
um...they are trying to seat the District of Columbia, and trampling Constitution in the process, the 2A 'rally' is a nothing more than a distraction.
U.S. Senate Votes to Uphold
Second Amendment in Washington, D.C.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Fairfax, Va. - The United States Senate has voted, with overwhelming bipartisan support, to adopt an amendment offered by Senator John Ensign (R-NV) that seeks to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens in the District of Columbia. The amendment, attached to S.160, the D.C. Voting Rights Act, will repeal restrictive gun control laws passed by the District of Columbia's (D.C.) city council after the landmark D.C. v. Heller Supreme Court decision. The vote margin was 62-36.

"Today's vote brings us one step closer to restoring the Second Amendment freedom of law-abiding D.C. residents," said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. "It's ludicrous that good people in our nation's capital continue to be harassed as they try to defend themselves and their loved ones in their own homes. This vote reinforces the historic Heller ruling."

After the Heller ruling, the D.C. city council passed a law requiring would-be gun owners to pay a registration fee, pass a 20-question multiple choice test, take a five-hour training course, undergo an invasive background check every six years, re-register any firearm every three years, and finally, submit all handguns for ballistics testing. Current D.C. law also bans an overwhelming majority of firearms commonly used for self-defense. This Ensign Amendment would also remedy that unjust practice.
"NRA would like to thank the lead sponsor, Sen. John Ensign for his efforts to reform D.C.'s gun laws and enable folks to protect their property and their loved ones," concluded Cox. "It's time for leaders in Washington to wake up to the fact that the Supreme Court decision is now the law of the land."


Aside from re-registration every 3 years and ballistics testing, that's all stuff we have to go through in Mass. just to own guns. [crying] And we have the most common self defense guns banned here, i.e. most handguns. [angry]

Is this the same one that has the gun show loophole closing language in it?

TEXT OF AMENDMENT AS SUBMITTED: CR S2490-2491, and read the last two pages of the amendment (2499 and 2500) TITLE II--GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE CLOSING ACT OF 2009.

And the NRA is singing its praises.

I can't seem to find what you're talking about.

um...they are trying to seat the District of Columbia, and trampling Constitution in the process, the 2A 'rally' is a nothing more than a distraction.

I don't understand. Could someone explain?
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um...they are trying to seat the District of Columbia, and trampling Constitution in the process, the 2A 'rally' is a nothing more than a distraction.

I don't understand. Could someone explain?

He's referring to the fact that the bill being discussed grants a voting seat in the House of Representatives to Washington DC despite the fact that the constitution only provides for representatives from states and DC is not a state.

Further, to equalize the balance of the new seat, it also awards an additional seat on an interm basis to Utah, even though the constitution provides that the number of representatives be determined based on population and not decided by congress.

Basically, these provisions should have been an amendment to the constitution, not legislation.
He's referring to the fact that the bill being discussed grants a voting seat in the House of Representatives to Washington DC despite the fact that the constitution only provides for representatives from states and DC is not a state.

Further, to equalize the balance of the new seat, it also awards an additional seat on an interm basis to Utah, even though the constitution provides that the number of representatives be determined based on population and not decided by congress.

Basically, these provisions should have been an amendment to the constitution, not legislation.

Oh wow. That's a much bigger deal than I thought, them using the Constitution as toilet paper.
um...they are trying to seat the District of Columbia, and trampling Constitution in the process, the 2A 'rally' is a nothing more than a distraction.

Or, it's designed to make the bill so unpalatable to DC leaders that they shut up for this year.
I just sent a note to Kerry pointing out the Oath of Office he took. I'm sure he'll fly straight from now on ...
Nice to see this happen and with a bit of irony thrown in...

"Today's vote brings us one step closer to restoring the Second Amendment freedom of law-abiding D.C. residents," said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. "It's ludicrous that good people in our nation's capital continue to be harassed as they try to defend themselves and their loved ones in their own homes. This vote reinforces the historic Heller ruling."

"NRA would like to thank the lead sponsor, Sen. John Ensign for his efforts to reform D.C.'s gun laws and enable folks to protect their property and their loved ones," concluded Cox. "It's time for leaders in Washington to wake up to the fact that the Supreme Court decision is now the law of the land."


The NRA had pushed for this legislation before and had it passed, the Heller case would have been cast aside and not taken up by the SCOTUS.
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