Senator Durbin wants to mandate 1-round limit on magazines

Feb 6, 2012
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I support efforts that address illegal possession and use of firearms. Common sense restrictions such as bans on multi-round magazines and assault weapons are supported by law enforcement officials who patrol our streets [by the "law enforcement officials who patrol our streets," Senator, or by the political hacks, appointed by gun-hating politicians, who presume to both command them and speak for them?]. I also support universal background checks to prevent the transfer of firearms without a background check by non-licensed gun sellers.
Only a matter of time. Whether it's NJ with its 15-round cap, or MA with its 10-round cap, or NY with its 7-round cap, it's all arbitrary. It's feel good. Not going to make a dime's bit of difference but it helps clear their gun-hating conscience.

Only a matter of time when "Son of NY SAFE ACT" sets the new cap at 5-rounds. Then 3-rounds, then 2-rounds, then one round...

Little by little.
The Congress couldn't pass a nation-wide ban last year after Sandy Hook, and sure as heck will not be able to pass one during an election year.
Back to this lol
Good luck getting that passed....

That's what every supporter of the Second Amendment with two brain cells to rub together has said about every single firearms law we currently have on the books before it did somehow manage to pass. Even if it looks too ridiculous to succeed, every such proposal needs to be opposed as there's no telling what stupidity will pass if people aren't watching.

That said, this politician clearly proves he's ignorant in the extreme with statements like the one quoted in the OP. Very sad.

Our side only benefits from Dicks like that.

They cause more harm and credibility problems to their side than they realize.
Of course, police, military, government employees (of whatever occupation), elected officials, and anyone close to those specs will be exempt. The average U.S. citizen will not.
Are they gonna call it the Barney Fife amendment?

No, but the name was suggested back in 2012.

Washington – Illinois Senator and Senate Majority Whip, Richard (Dick) Durbin, is responding firmly to recent events that display gun violence unprecedented in American history. Many lawmakers decry the senseless violent acts but are unwilling to make changes to our gun laws. Durbin plans to change all of that. Below is an excerpt of his plea to his peers about what needs to be done about this growing problem.

I am only one man and one Senator but I believe in the power of one. Martin Luther King had one dream. And then he was shot dead. JFK brought our country together as one. Dead. I have thought a lot about this and my proposal to stop killing our heroes and our innocent citizens is called the Barney Fife Law. Barney was the worst gun owner anyone could imagine. He probably would have been a mass murderer if Sheriff Andy Griffith had not stepped in. He forced Barney to empty his gun and carry only one bullet in his shirt pocket. Every new gun owner should have to watch the episode where Barney gives a lecture on gun safety and then accidentally fires a bullet through his holster into the floor. Sure, it’s funny on television but there is a bigger message here. If every gun owner had to watch all episodes of The Andy Griffith Show where Barney had a gun mishap, I really believe that our citizens would respect their guns more and not just shoot people because they can. And maybe we can pass out bullets to people one at a time like Andy did for Barney. And Andy does not even use a gun to subdue criminals. That’s an entirely new slant we could look at as well. I don’t know if this is the answer any more than you do. But let’s vote on this legislation, see where that takes us, and start to have some real dialogue about keeping our citizens safe.

A 72 hour Filibuster is currently in progress, courtesy of the NRA lobbyists. Each member of the NRA that steps up to speak before the Senate is showing a full episode of The Andy Griffith Show. They are breaking down each scene and each movement to make their case that Barney Fife would have never been issued a gun in our current system. One NRA representative went to far to say that Barney Fife was “a witless boob who never deserved to grasp his clammy hands around a gun much less have legislation named after him.” A majority of Senators are extremely frustrated by this Filibuster process that is believed to take months or even years. Many others, however, say they have really enjoyed catching up on episodes of the show while they are supposed to be working.
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