Sent back with a new serial number from manufacturer


NES Member
Dec 11, 2012
Feedback: 37 / 1 / 0
I sent in a rifle for warranty repair and it came back with a note saying that they had to give me a new serial number, and to consult my state laws regarding registration.

Do I have to do anything in Massachusetts?
I believe there's a special section on the efa10 site about a repair with a new serial number. Check the site.
What confuses me is that so many sites say that registration is NOT required in Massachusetts (like that NRA-ILA link posted above), but then conflicting information on the FA-10 form site...

The gun was a KelTec Sub-2000 in 9mm. I was getting FTE/stovepipe malfunctions, and I had to send it back twice. It works well now.
What confuses me is that so many sites say that registration is NOT required in Massachusetts (like that NRA-ILA link posted above), but then conflicting information on the FA-10 form site...

I'll unconfuse you.

There are certain situations that require "reporting" of transfers - pretty much anything except moving into MA from out of state.

Records are kept (unreliable for old transfers).

The onus on reporting a transfer is on the seller. It is not an offense for a lawful recipient to be on the accepting end of a transaction that the transferrer failed to report - the only offense committed is by the transferring party.

And, to top it off, there is no such offense in MA as "possession of an unregistered gun".
I'll unconfuse you.

There are certain situations that require "reporting" of transfers - pretty much anything except moving into MA from out of state.

Records are kept (unreliable for old transfers).

The onus on reporting a transfer is on the seller. It is not an offense for a lawful recipient to be on the accepting end of a transaction that the transferrer failed to report - the only offense committed is by the transferring party.

And, to top it off, there is no such offense in MA as "possession of an unregistered gun".

Is that kinda like the MA State Police charging someone for possession of Hollow Point Bullets, when they arent' illegal ?

I bet they would find a way to charge you...
I'll unconfuse you.

There are certain situations that require "reporting" of transfers - pretty much anything except moving into MA from out of state.

Records are kept (unreliable for old transfers).

The onus on reporting a transfer is on the seller. It is not an offense for a lawful recipient to be on the accepting end of a transaction that the transferrer failed to report - the only offense committed is by the transferring party.

And, to top it off, there is no such offense in MA as "possession of an unregistered gun".

OK, I get that. So, does this count as me "transferring" my old serial # gun to Keltec? And, did they "transfer" me a new serial number?

It looks like I have 2 choices. 1: Do a FA-10 with "Kel Tec" as the seller with the new serial number, or 2: Do nothing.

Way too many confusing rules... [rules]
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