Sharon Fish and Game


NES Member
Jul 3, 2024
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Hello! I moved to the area with my wife a few years ago and I have joined a couple of other clubs, but I am finding that they are too difficult for me to get to with my new work schedule. Sharon seems like it would be pretty easy for me to drive to after work, so I was wondering if anyone on here was a member there and knew if they are accepting new membership applications, and if so how I could join.

I am more or less just looking for a place that I can shoot bullseye at. Competition would be great, but if not, even a place to just practice and shoot for fun would be all I need. I would be mainly interested in shooting .22, but if other members shoot center fire and 45 I would certainly participate.

Please feel free to message me directly on here or reply to the thread, I would love to hear from you.

Thank you!
I don't know what SF&G is like now, as I quit that club in 2000 after being a member for 24 yrs. Until a past president died probably 7 or 8 years ago, it was very fractionalized. The skeet and trap folks didn't like anyone using the outdoor range while they were shooting, the noise annoyed them according to that same past president. They had a strong bullseye group and used to run NRA registered matches regularly. The indoor range had no proper ventilation and a former pistol league chairman had reportable lead levels in his blood. Sometime in the 2010s he told me that no real remediation had been done. The membership really didn't care about 2A issues, I was their legislative chairman for 14 yrs and was chastised by a few members for open carrying on the property. The rules on the outdoor range were very restrictive and that was only about 10 yrs ago. They had no online presence and you had to go to the clubhouse when someone was there to get info or an application.

I was a member at Braintree R&P and they have a strong bullseye team, great indoor ranges with HEPA filtration system. Great group of people belong there. New member orientation is held monthly and you don't have to jump thru any other hoops.
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