Sharpening knives

Mar 23, 2006
Live Free or Die !
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Time to put an edge on this one. One of the things I like to do is every once in awhile I like to pull an unsharpened blade out of the collection and give it a nice sharp edge. I sharpen my knives by hand and my favorite tool is a Norton M88 medium stone about 7 inches long. I need to focus when doing this and once I fall into the rythem of stroking steel on stone everything gets pushed aside. The thing about working on daggers is there’s twice the risk of slicing off a fingertip. (Which has happened) here’s a Damascus dagger I picked up at the Highland Games a few years back. It was unsharpened until today. It’s got a reasonably sharp edge now but a touch up with a harder stone will give it a razor sharp edge. That’s for tomorrow.
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I can offer you lots of therapy if you need more…

I got a bunch of guns you can clean if you need a therapy session

Thanks, but no. I'm very well-adjusted.

I like doing my own. Back when I was doing woodworking, I used to spend hours doing my chisels and plane irons. Very satisfying.
Man... I'm hoarding my weapon shield

That stuff is the balls and I'm going to be very mad when it's gone
Rattac Technologies, LLC purchased the formula and is now producing weapon shield. According to their Facebook page, the first shipment is already bottled and heading towards distributors.

This is the only store to get their entire first shipment:
Sharpening by hand takes time. Time to get good at it, and then when you’re good, time to sharpen everything. As a former chef, I have the whetstones (up to 15000), I used to have the time, and my forearm used to be almost continually bare. If you can’t shave with it, what’s the point??
Now, I feel like Picasso. I started rigid, learned the craft, played by the rules, and now I get to break them all with a Ken Onion worksharp grinder.
Do I like everything having a convex edge? No. But I can do a sick back-bevel and keep everything sharp in a fraction of the time. Plus, I have a select few that I still do by hand, for reasons.

It’s addicting, especially once you start getting spendy steel. Old photo, there’s a few rescue cleavers in the mix now. Never mind all the pocket knives.

Keep at it, there’s few things as satisfying as putting steel to stone and yielding frighteningly sharp things.
Starting doing my utility knives and kitchen knives with the Ken Onion belt sharpener. Pretty happy with the results. For the nicer stuff I use a Lansky sharpener and have a good selection of various stones.

Might wanna ask to have this moved to the knife forum. I'm not bitching about it being in the general forum, just suggesting that so this thread doesn't get lost in the wrong spot.
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