Shield Plus trigger work

Oct 29, 2006
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I'm pickied up a Shield Plus today. It's MA Compliant with a 10# trigger. On my other MA Compliant guns, I've installed an Apex hard sear, which usually fixes the horrible trigger pull.
On this one I'd like to convert it to a Free State trigger. Is there a trigger spring swap (trigger return spring?) I can do? It's been a while since I played around with the M&Ps. Thanks in advance.
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Why did you buy a shit MA gun? this could have been avoided with a few phone calls or an inbound transfer.
Weird my shield plus doesn’t have the 10# trigger. Maybe because it’s the non-safety version?
Weird my shield plus doesn’t have the 10# trigger. Maybe because it’s the non-safety version?
Same with mine. For what it is, it’s actually a decent shooter. I understand the original shields had terrible triggers, but big improvement on the plus
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