shooting 9x19 out of a 9x18 gun (or vice versa)


NES Member
Sep 13, 2016
Western MA
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So, apart from case length differences, I know the projectiles are .365" vs a .355". How badly would this hurt the barrel of a 9x19 gun shooting 9x18 out of it, given its only 0.01" difference? Not that I intend to test it out, but my curious mind wonders.
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9x18 out of a 9mm? I think Gandalf the Grey knows a spell with similar results, goes along the lines of "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boom."

At best it'll be a Radagast the Brown level spell called "Squiggly Squealy Squib."

Jokes aside, it wouldn't chamber due to the 9x19's slight case taper.
9x18 out of a 9mm? I think Gandalf the Grey knows a spell with similar results, goes along the lines of "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boom."

At best it'll be a Radagast the Brown level spell called "Squiggly Squealy Squib."

Jokes aside, it wouldn't chamber due to the 9x19's slight case taper.
Seems like it would, as the 9x18 is shorter and would just a snug fit given it being shorter overall.

Squib seems unlikely as well, as .008 to .01 seems to be the difference in projectile diameter, but I believe that is also within the variation of most bulk 9mm ammo. Have to pull some rounds and measure with calipers.
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Seems like it would, as the 9x18 is shorter and would just a snug fit given it being shorter overall.

Squid seems unlikely as well, as .008 to .01 seems to be the difference in projectile diameter, but I believe that is also within the variation of most bulk 9mm ammo. Have to pull some rounds and measure with calipers.
I saved my dad from re-firing a squibbed a squibbed SKS once. He also rode home with an SKS that had a chambered round, to start.... When he pulled it out from the trunk, I noticed the bolt was forward. I asked him if he cleared the gun. He pulled the bolt back and released, and it went forward again (loading the last round in the mag). "woops, guess there's one more" he said. He was about to park the last round in a nearby tree, and I yelled for him to stop. The 8th round managed to stick only 8" down the barrel. He had ejected the 9th round and loaded the 10th.

Sad thing is 9x18 used to be available at give away prices....those days are long gone. I found that out after I grabbed one of these:

OH OH - Mr Kotter!!!???

What about .380 in a Makarov? Or vice versa?

Let's have fun with the 9mm putting stuff where it doesn't belong. How about Makarov in a 9mm Largo? Anyone got a 9x21?

Are any of these tight enough to fit in a .38 Special's cylinder? That could be entertaining.
OH OH - Mr Kotter!!!???

What about .380 in a Makarov? Or vice versa?

Let's have fun with the 9mm putting stuff where it doesn't belong. How about Makarov in a 9mm Largo? Anyone got a 9x21?

Are any of these tight enough to fit in a .38 Special's cylinder? That could be entertaining.
dunno, but I guess if you got balls anything's fair game except for maybe 50 BMG.
Some things are totally fine. Like .40S&W in a 10mm, or 38spl in a 357mag (or either in a 357 Maximum).

But I wouldn’t shoot 9x18 in a 9x19. As shown in this thread, the cases and bullets are just too different.
Some things are totally fine. Like .40S&W in a 10mm, or 38spl in a 357mag (or either in a 357 Maximum).

But I wouldn’t shoot 9x18 in a 9x19. As shown in this thread, the cases and bullets are just too different.

When the bullet engages the threads by a couple thou, 10 thou is a big deal

Moreover, 9x18 and 9x19 are names. They don't cover the whole of the design.

I just mocked up the chamber and cartridge:

That red area is where the brass overlaps with the chamber. What should be a slip fit (recall the "plunk test") is now a 0.1mm circumferential interference.
Grow a bigger pair, and actually rechamber/rebarrel the shotgun for .50 BMG


If/when i ever move to texas, I will move to his district just to be able to vote for him.

You've got something like 6-8 months. LOL.

I doubt he will win. I love Brandon. He's a funny guy at times. He does some interesting stuff. But I can't see him pulling this off. Seems more of a stunt than actual campaign. Maybe.
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