Shooting blues?

May 29, 2006
Essex County
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So yesterday I went down to the MRA to perforate some cellulose. It went allright. Some groups were good, some bad. However, I ended up coming home with ammo remaining. For some reason, I felt kind of empty at the end of the shooting session.
Almost like it was some kind of chore, and not so much fun.
Now I need to come up with a remedy!
Any thoughs appreciated.

So yesterday I went down to the MRA to perforate some cellulose. It went allright. Some groups were good, some bad. However, I ended up coming home with ammo remaining. For some reason, I felt kind of empty at the end of the shooting session.
Almost like it was some kind of chore, and not so much fun.
Now I need to come up with a remedy!
Any thoughs appreciated.


Shooting isn't much fun to me unless I'm learning something, am trying to accomplish something new or I'm in a competition. I always try to go to the range with a specific goal! Sometimes I start with slow fire for accuracy... if I do well I let myself unload rounds as fast as I can while keeping them on the paper. Try different drills, add some varienty to your shooting. Bad days happen.... when they do just leave and forget about it. It's a hobby not a requirement. Good luck!
Shooting isn't much fun to me unless I'm learning something, am trying to accomplish something new or I'm in a competition.


I cannot go to the range and sit at a bench trying to make little groups. I can't also go and just aimlessly shoot stuff downrange. There has to be a purpose for it.

That is why I love competition, particularly Highpower. Everything you do or don't do is measurable. Even when not competing, when I go to the club it is to train on a particular skill or skills. It may be shooting standing. It may be to work on the standing to sitting move required of 200 yard rapid fire, where my aim is to train until I can get up, sit down, shoulder the rifle, and have the sights on target as soon as my face hits the stock. You get the idea.

Right now I am assembly an M4gery, and as soon as I am done with it I will start running CQB-type drills as well as stretching it on the known distance range. Once I am satisfied of the carbine's reliability, I will look for some training classes to use it in.
Andy t,
Didn't you just take a class with Louis Awerbuck? After that, simple square range shooting can be a let down.
I had the same feeling after a class with Gabe Suarez.
I sometimes feel that way when I push myself to go to the range. Some days I have the free time to go to the range, and I may have even packed my range bag the night before....but then I'm just not feeling it.

Doesn't happen often...usally I look JUST like this on my drive home [smile]


-Weer'd Beard

why don't you go to the website and check out the action shooting schedule. That way you can hang out with other people and shoot at plates, pins, etc.
You don't have to have a fancy gun to shoot in the stock competition and it just may cure your boredom. Otherwise, try bringing a friend and make up competitions for yourselves.

ETA: If you decide to shell out the $19 to become a member here you'll also learn some important information about when and where we're going to be shooting at pumpkins and tannerite. If that doesn't make you feel better, nothing will! [wink]
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Otherwise, try bringing a friend and make up competitions for yourselves.

Great idea!

MRA requires lead bullets (no jackets) for these action shooting events correct? Do they sell ammo? I just don't see many rounds for pistols without jackets for sale.
Shooting isn't much fun to me unless I'm learning something, am trying to accomplish something new or I'm in a competition. I always try to go to the range with a specific goal!


Pick something particular you need to work on. I actually plan out my range session the day before if I can and work out what drill I want to work on.

The days when I just aimlessly shoot I don't have much fun and I don't shoot well, which means I was reinforcing bad habits.

Also, sometimes I just want to shoot something besides paper. Steel plates are great. Good sound and and a good reaction.

Also- don't forget to check out the Gun Ranges and Clubs forum, the MRA Fun Shoot is coming up. I don't know what range I'll be on, last year I was on the Pope, but I can attest that fun was had by all. [wink]
Ya know whats the matter with you guys? You don't have enough FUN guns to shoot. Invest in some milsurp rifles or pistols. Getting tight groups takes effort with a K98, 91/30, K31, etc even though most all good condition ones are capable of doing so. Or you need something small and deadly like the Savage 93R17 I have for sale in the classifieds. (yeah its a cheap bump) [smile]

Making water filled aluminum cans explode with the 17hmr round at long distances is definitely fun.


Any time I feel like shooting is becoming a chore or just plain am too lazy to go to the range, I either buy or build something new to shoot with. Taking a friend along who's never shot before also helps spark some new fun and interest. After all, this a sport/hobby that we need to keep going in order for our rights to remain. That includes sharing it with other people to enjoy so more people support the firearms industry.
I say get out there and do some shootin'.
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Great idea!

MRA requires lead bullets (no jackets) for these action shooting events correct? Do they sell ammo? I just don't see many rounds for pistols without jackets for sale.

M+M reloads makes a bunch of lead rounds up for cheap money.

Problem with lead is its dirty as hell and often time lead-based loadings are
also wimpy as hell in the power department... although one doesnt need
a lot of "power" for steel plates, unless its something like one of those
dumb IPSC calibrated poppers.

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