Shooting low and to the left with Sig P220


NES Life Member
NES Member
Dec 2, 2005
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I have a Sig P220, a P226, and a Sig 1911.

With the 1911 and P226, my aim is excellent, I hit right at the point of aim. But with the P220, I'm hitting low and to the right, several inches from the point of aim, even as close as about 15-20 feet.

Is there that much different in handling the P220, or maybe my sights need adjustment?
Shoot it from a rest or bag. If it's dead on, it is you. If it is still low and off to the side, fix the sights.

ETA: Low and to one side is (as I gather you know) generally a grip/trigger problem, but it certainly happens that one finds sights that are off, especially on used guns.
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Speculation based on my experiences going from a P228 to a P220 to a P226 and dealing with different grip dimensions.

Compare your grip position on the front strap between the P226 and P220.

I went from a P228 (double stack 9mm, compact) to a P220 (single stack .45acp) to a P226 (double stack 9mm and .40s&w).

The P220's grip is narrower left to right but wider front to back. This may naturally put the knuckles on your strong hand in a different position than what you may be used to with the P226. If you are gripping the P220 as if it were a P226 and your hand is small enough to present a contrast in natural positions, that could put your hand position bent around a bit to present a sight picture.

I put hogue slip on grips on my P228 and P226, but found that that put my knuckles at a poor position on the P220, so I changed the P220 to a set of integrated hogue scales.
Shoot it from a rest or bag. If it's dead on, it is you. If it is still low and off to the side, fix the sights.

ETA: Low and to one side is (as I gather you know) generally a grip/trigger problem, but it certainly happens that one finds sights that are off, especially on used guns.

Shoot it from a rest or bag. If it's dead on, it is you. If it is still low and off to the side, fix the sights.

ETA: Low and to one side is (as I gather you know) generally a grip/trigger problem, but it certainly happens that one finds sights that are off, especially on used guns.

This. I'm constantly working on this as I have a consistent problem with it.

Search for "Shooters Wheel of Correction" and you'll find several versions that will help you diagnose problems
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