Well, there's lots of Appleseed friendly posts here so I've brought my question here. I've been wrestling over what to get for my "arsenal". Lately I've finally gotten off the couch and have begun to arm myself and to get trained. I bought an M1A, 1,000 rounds of ammo, a 10/22 which I'm setting up to practice with, and Saiga 12 gauge semi-auto shotgun. The M1A is to protect our liberty should our or another govt. decide to throw it's weight around. I believe in becoming a marksman to work longer distances. I live in the suburbs however and am concerned to arm myself for closer engagements should their be civil unrest ala LA Riots or such. So, I've had my eye on a new mini 14. I've put it on layaway and have paid off half. The advantages of that is it's got the similar action and safety to the M1A and looks frickin gorgeous. All three of my rifles will look the same, black synthtic stocks and blued steel. The only thing I worry about with the mini is the .223 cartridge. On thugs without body armor I'm sure it would be destructive. How's it work on Jack Booted Thugs with armor? How does the 7.62x39 round work in that area? I really like the menacing looks of the AK and the bigger bullet but understand that high velocity of the .223 is a good thing too. This is to be my go to gun in civil unrest in the neighborhood. Opinions? Should I save the money and just buy more ammo?