Sig P220 Questions/Expert Knowledge Needed


Oct 19, 2009
Feedback: 10 / 3 / 0
Ok, Sig experts. here I go. I know a lot of you guys are die hard Sig guys, so please help me!

I got a new P220 .45 Full Size the other day and need some help. First, should I go with a Sig Factory STL-900L Tactical Light/Laser or something else? Also, what works best, 10 round or 8 round mags? Want to know before I stock up. Will shoot a lot of 230 grain stuff for practice and 230 JHP's for house, car,carry.....
Last questions, I was thinking about sending the gun to Sig for a couple of custom shop services, let me know what you think, am I wasting money or a good idea? These where some of the things I was thinking of, be honest , you will not offend me!

Feed Ramp Polish $29.95
Barrel Re Crown $39.95
Extended Controls $ 89.95
Congrats on a super pistol. I had one for the better part of 20 years.

Regarding lights, I would do a search on here and at . If I remember correctly people tend to have negative feedback on the Sig accesories. Do your own research though as I could be mistaken.

I have always used either factory 7 or 8 round mags with literally thousands and thousands of rounds shot. Other then replacing mag springs they have been absolutely reliable. No experience with 10 rounders.

Regarding the customization ideas: Shoot the pistol first. Give it a good 200+ rounds. I think you will find the feed ramp and barrel are just fine from the factory (don't fix it if it ain't broke). The extended controls are personal preference, however if you are going to carry this, you may find they snag on clothing. To be honest, depending on your hand size, the only thing I would change out would be the trigger (and only if you have really small hands)

I would (as you said) stock up on quality mags, ammo and real good holster/belt combination.

I agree wiht the suggestins made. shoot it first and put a good 1000 rounds
thru it before you decide to make any mods.

as for the feed ramp you can polish it yourself with a dremel tool, using
a polsihing compund.

There is some debate on topping off the ten rounders at ten, the suggestion is made to keep it at nine instead. I've mainly heard that in gun shop speak and cannot relate to it as I generally capacity my magazines.

For the other stuff, Sig's slogan of working right out of the box is really more than a catchy phrase. Unless you have an actual issue with the firearm you don't need to send it in for anything, it should work as expected (and past the QC of other manufacturers) right out of the box.

Polishing the feed ramp or swapping out the springs is unneeded, at least up until the point that you've broken it in or are using custom ammo or have particular needs. The firearms perform magnificently right out of the box.

The only things I would suggest changing are the horrid grips that come with it to something from Hogue or Pachmayr and perhaps also the sights. The sights can be swapped out to something from Trijicon, MMC, or Heinie.

In other words, customize the feel of it, carry it and plink with it. Save your enhancement money and buy plinking ammo instead. :)
Feed Ramp Polish $29.95
Barrel Re Crown $39.95
Extended Controls $ 89.95

Why would you recrown a brand new barrel? Also, no need on the feed ramp work if it actually feeds reliably everything you plan to shoot. If it does and you much with the feedramp, then you may find it worse than before you started. As for extended controls, those just get in the way.
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