Sig P229 v S&W MP 9mm v Glock 19

I carry the M&P9c for the last 2+ years. Really like it and have done all my classes with it. Bought a G26 - not so crazy about it and sold it after owning it a little more than a year. Just picked up a Sig 239 - love it! Need a holster for it and this will be my new carry gun. Not the same guns you have but very similar. I would expect similar comparisons.
Love glocks, ive handled and shot all the guns mentioned, m&p is at the bottom of the list unless you get a trigger job . Sig 229 was quite nice in the hands , but i will always choose glock over it for a carry gun because of the weight. Poly guns are popular for a reason, at 24 ounces unloaded is alot nice on you than and all steel 30+ ounces gun unloaded . The option of pre ban mags for both are awesome. Honestly pick up the 17, 19, 26 all are fine guns and i own them all, but for ccw the 26 is best, the 17 for HD and range, and the 19 for an inbetween , i use the 19 for winter carry and sometimes range.
DA/SA just sucks all around. It takes a great deal of training to master the transition from long, hard DA trigger pull to short, light SA trigger pull. SIG quality has gone in the crapper lately. And it has a high bore axis.

Get a Glock 19 or M&P. With the M&P, you will need to get an Apex trigger to fix the abortion required by MA law.

Go to a rental range, like Manchester Firing Line. Rent a SIG. Start shooting two shot strings, with the first shot being DA (use the decocker), and the second being SA. You'll quickly see just why DA/SA sucks so hard. Then rent a Glock. The Glock trigger isn't great, but you only have one trigger pull to master, not two. If you are a new shooter, you will likely be pulling your Glock shots low and left (if you are right handed), but that is easily fixed with some dry firing and practice.
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I like the Sig. Best bet is to try one of each that has NOT been modified be the owner and see which is the best fit for you.

I dont mind DA/SA at all.
I found a site that sells 17 round mags for m&p9 and will ship to mass as long as you pay an extra $1.49 and they send it disassembled and call it a repair kit but it is a complete mag.

That works in California, NOT here. There is some legal loophole there that allows this if you keep the receipt for X number of years before assembling.

And when you assemble it, it'll still be a felony to own it.

I talked to an officer at the hunting class I took and he said its illegal to sell but not to own. I have ltc class a. He said all liability is on dealer. I could not find anything that says I can't own it.

Never take firearms advice from a LEO, no offence to the ones here that give out good advice, but run of the mill LEO's with no interest in the shooting sports haven't looked at the laws long enough to know the intricate and confusing aspects of it. They know what they've been taught, which I would hazard a guess is X=Y, but sometimes X=Y only sometimes, but not others, and yet other times X=Y, M & Q, or Only P on the second Sunday after Christmas on leap years when its raining.

He's wrong. In MA, it's illegal to privately own a mag with > 10 round capacity that was manufactured after 9/94. We are talking about magazines here, not handguns.

I'll repeat it. It's a felony.

Ok. He must have been talking about prebans for glocks and just not have been specific. Go to know I was actually going to order one this weekend. Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, its not Illegal for HIM to own, for you...[hmmm]

For your reading pleasure, MGL Ch 140, Sec 131m

Section 131M. No person shall sell, offer for sale, transfer or possess an assault weapon or a large capacity feeding device that was not otherwise lawfully possessed on September 13, 1994. Whoever not being licensed under the provisions of section 122 violates the provisions of this section shall be punished, for a first offense, by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000 or by imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than ten years, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and for a second offense, by a fine of not less than $5,000 nor more than $15,000 or by imprisonment for not less than five years nor more than 15 years, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

The provisions of this section shall not apply to: (i) the possession by a law enforcement officer for purposes of law enforcement; or (ii) the possession by an individual who is retired from service with a law enforcement agency and is not otherwise prohibited from receiving such a weapon or feeding device from such agency upon retirement.
That works in California, NOT here. There is some legal loophole there that allows this if you keep the receipt for X number of years before assembling.

I *think* even that only applies to mags made before '94. The CA AWB is quite different and it generally (at least on the surface) prohibits transferring even pre-ban mags. I know a few gun owners in CA and none have post-ban mags in any way. That said, it's enough to understand MA gun laws so I don't bother keeping up on CA very well.

Never take firearms advice from a LEO, no offence to the ones here that give out good advice, but run of the mill LEO's with no interest in the shooting sports haven't looked at the laws long enough to know the intricate and confusing aspects of it. They know what they've been taught, which I would hazard a guess is X=Y, but sometimes X=Y only sometimes, but not others, and yet other times X=Y, M & Q, or Only P on the second Sunday after Christmas on leap years when its raining.

Absolutely correct. When I was a noob to all this, I asked my local PD a couple of questions and luckily I didn't follow their advice, because they were wrong.
everyone can give you an opinion. why not shoot before you buy?

i have shot each, and i would suggest glock as my personal choice. i had an M&P they are ok, but the mag thing...and i have never shot a sig i liked.
After shooting sf pistols going sig would be tough. Sig is a Good range gun. For ccw glock 19 all the way. The m&p in ma out prices itself because of the useless trigger and no hi caps. I would strongly consider the sr9c before any m&p it's less money the trigger is excellent and it's very reliable.
Thanks everyone. There are about 20 people I wannt reply with quote for all the good advice, but I'll just rep positive. Paul is being very kind to let me shoot his p229 this weekend, and I might rat around HSC saturday to see if someone would let me shoot their glock to see how it feels in my hands etc.

*If anyone does have a G19 and will be at Harvard Sportmans this weekend and would be willing to let me shoot it (w/ my ammo obv), thatd be greatly appreciated.

Last weekend I shot a two tone drab sr9c at Harvard a nice kid let me try out. It handled well, the trigger was alot different and I could get used to it, but wasnt my favorite.

I have a S&W 9mm I bought 3 years ago for about $389 new, its nice, but I want a high quality sidearm. I like my old one, but I feel like i've grown as a shooter in both my style and skill, and would like a firearm to match that.
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I have a S&W 9mm I bought 3 years ago for about $389 new, its nice, but I want a high quality sidearm. I like my old one, but I feel like i've grown as a shooter in both my style and skill, and would like a firearm to match that.

The M&P is higher quality than the Glock, and frankly the Sig as well. Sig's QC has not always been the best which is one reason why some agencies are moving away from them.
The M&P is higher quality than the Glock, and frankly the Sig as well. Sig's QC has not always been the best which is one reason why some agencies are moving away from them.

From a QC standpoint, my M&P was worse than any SIG I've owned.

That's not a statistically valid sample, but I don't think you have one either.
I would buy a used Glock or SIG before I buy a new M&P. Hey M&P is just a SIG & GLOCK wanna be.
Sig or Glock. M&P is useless without a triggerjob.
Agreed, but with a trigger job, so sweet. Very comfortable in the hand and nicely balanced and weighted. I'm not sure what the quality differences are between the Glock and M&P referenced here. I have both and they are very good as far as I can tell. Could someone give details on the quality problems with the M&P, aside from the trigger?
Agreed, but with a trigger job, so sweet. Very comfortable in the hand and nicely balanced and weighted. I'm not sure what the quality differences are between the Glock and M&P referenced here. I have both and they are very good as far as I can tell. Could someone give details on the quality problems with the M&P, aside from the trigger?

They used to have some major QC problems but most of the people I know with M&Ps haven't had any significant issues with them. There is always the odd dud here and there of course. I was just scoffing at the nonsense that something like an M&P is radically better than the other two options... it isn't... it's just different.

Well, there is ONE issue with the M&Ps.... that S&W refuses to fix.... the new 10 round cripplemags they make are awful for the full size guns at least, the followers need to be ground down to accommodate the full 10 rounds with sanity, and still be able to seat the mag.

Nothing a little grinding of plastic won't fix, though.

Ended up buying the P229R from Paul. Just put 200 rounds throught it, im obsessed. Thanks for all the help guys.
I tried handling a glock 19 and the mp9mm, I actually preffered the weight of the sig, and the DA to SA doesnt bother me. If anything it makes me take my time and focus more.
Ended up buying the P229R from Paul. Just put 200 rounds throught it, im obsessed. Thanks for all the help guys.
I tried handling a glock 19 and the mp9mm, I actually preffered the weight of the sig, and the DA to SA doesnt bother me. If anything it makes me take my time and focus more.

Congratulations on the new acquisition. I loved my Sig when I had it.
Ended up buying the P229R from Paul. Just put 200 rounds throught it, im obsessed.

Uh oh, now you've done it. You just might end up like this guy.

On the more serious (?) side, that was a good choice. I love my Sig P229.
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I love my M&P, love my glocks, I dont in the least understand the sig thing, and have no desire to own one.

My M&P with a $70 trigger job has a better trigger than any of my 5lb glocks or any sig I have ever shot ( I have not shot any of the sigs with the competiton trigger they offer though )

edit: oops you made your purchase already, nevermind! congrats!
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Uh oh, now you've done it. You just might end up like this guy.

On the more serious (?) side, that was a good choice. I love my Sig P229.

Hahaha thats awesome!!

DRB, no worries, doesnt mean I wont need an M&P down the road. Thanks for the info. And edit.
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