Sig P238 Pocket Holster

Jan 21, 2015
Central MA
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Hey all

I got a Sig P238 yesterday. It's getting warmer and can't have my regular carry since I tuck my shirt and it'll show. Just looking for a decent pocket holster for it. One that is as slim as possible.
I see DeSantis makes a couple. Sig and others make them too. Leather? Fabric?

If you have or had one... I would appreciate it if you could share with me what you think.

Thank you!
The Desantis pocket holster (labeled P6) meant for that gun has an issue. Over time, it breaks in and catches on the rear sights. Skip that one.
I've ised a desantis nemesis for my shield and I like it. Not sure how it works for the 238 or if it's the one terraformer is referencing.
The Desantis Nemesis is great for the bodyguard. One touch with a finger and it separates from the gun. Mines been around for awhile and has no sight snagging.
I use the Desantis Nemesis for pocket carrying my sig P938, cant even tell its a gun in ones pocket. The holster does take a bit of break in time but its worth it.
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