Sig P322 Range Report #2

Apr 8, 2007
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I got to the range again yesterday to continue my testing, see this thread for my first range report I Bought A Sig P322 Pistol -Range Report Post #15.

Ammo I brought was Federal Lightning 40 gr. LRN @1240 fps and Federal Range Pack 40 gr. LRN @1200 fps. The pistol was not cleaned after the first range trip. This outing did not go well at all and only 100 rnds (5 mags) of each ammo was fired . I took the suggestion of a poster in my first range report and loaded the mags more carelessly for this trip since most reviews mention the mags need to be loaded with attention to how they stack up and that dropping the rnds in the mag like can be done on many other .22 pistol mags may not work very well. I could tell if the rounds were not stacked correctly because the 19th and 20th rnds were much more difficult to load.

1st mag fired all 20 rnds!

2nd mag fired fine but slide did not lock back after last shot.

3rd mag had 2 instances of no bang but retracting the slide showed no rnd in the chamber and no rnd ejected so assumed slide failed to pick up fresh rnd. Had one rnd fail to fire, but fired on 2nd attempt.

4th mag had one failure to fully chamber 1 rnd, when manually chambered rnd fired.

5th mag failed to pick up rnds 2, 4 and 7 and failed to lock slide back after last rnd.

After that bad showing, I was hopeful that the next 5 mags with the 2nd type of ammo I brought would be better, but it wasn't.

1st mag 1st rnd no bang, fired on rechambering rnd. Rnd 13 no bang, bullet looked deformed so did not try to rechamber.

2nd mag rnd 13 failed to chamber, was nose down in mag so I repositioned rnd, reinserted mag and rnd chambered but no bang. Repositioned rnd and reinserted mag but once again no bang, did not attempt a 3rd try.

3rd mag 3rd rnd not picked up, racked slide and chambered rnd

4th mag 2nd rnd not picked up, racked slide and chambered rnd

5th mag fired all 20 rnds!

At this point, I decided to try a box of the tried and true CCI standard velocity just to see if I would encounter any of the problems noted. I carefully loaded 3 mags with 20, 20 and 10 rnds and proceeded to rip all 50 off in short order with no malfunctions. This gave me some hope that my issues in this test may be more ammo related and not that the pistol itself is problematic. It also tells me there may be something to the many reviewers saying the mags must be loaded with care. If you look closely you can see through the mag window if the rounds are stacked properly and the extra seconds required to load carefully are not a problem for me.

Since those last 50 rnds of CCI worked perfectly, my next range trip will be using that rnd only. If I can get through a few hundred rnds with no issues, I will be pretty sure my problems during this trip were ammo related. If I do encounter some issues, I will give the pistol a light cleaning and try the CCI again. If all is well, I guess this pistol may be more finicky when it is dirty and simply must be kept cleaner than some others. This will not be a dealbreaker for me, I still love the pistol and hope to decide on a RDS soon.

As I said in my original thread, I would love to hear from other P322 owners and what your experience has been, maybe we could have a P322 Mega Thread!
Sorry to hear about your issues.
I didn’t have the patience to wait and ended up getting a pair of them a couple of weeks ago. I mounted a Holosun HS407k on one of them. And sighted both in relatively easily.

Then on Monday I put a whole box of 2017 vintage Federal 525 round bulk ammo through them. I had 7 different mags, all 20 rounders with mag block’s installed so only 10 rounds at a time. I was not very careful about loading the mags. In that box, I had 4 FTFs, which all fired the next time around. Everything cycled fine, no jams or failures to lock back. I then ran a 50 round box of the Aguila Super Extra and had 1 FTF. It also fired when I retried it. I did note that the hit on the primer. Of the rounds that failed was identical to the rounds that fired, so I assumed it was an ammo related issue.

I’ve only had them out a couple of times, but so far I like them very much. I also like the TX22s as well, but if I had to choose I would pick the P322 just because it’s more of a carry optics platform than the TX22 SCR.

In a race, the SCR is definitely faster, but then again, mine has a comp and SRO with a much bigger window size mounted on it.

They are both excellent options in full size rimfire pistols. You can’t go wrong with either one. I will be keeping them all, but will shoot the P322 more.
Certainly not yet, but truth be told, I don’t plan to clean them until they stop running so it could be a very long time before I ever check for leading.

Not cleaning until problems occurred was my thought as well until this range trip. I plan to try just the CCI standard on next trip without cleaning and if all goes well try to buy a couple more different ammo types to test. If the CCI gives me problems, I guess I will have to try cleaning at least the breechface and chamber and try to continue the test.

On another note, I am curious if you did any accuracy testing with the iron sights or the rds equipped pistol. I have not bothered yet as my initial testing is just to determine how reliable or finicky the pistol is.
that may be of some help for you, as it applies to a lot of 22lr cycling toys:

Not cleaning until problems occurred was my thought as well until this range trip. I plan to try just the CCI standard on next trip without cleaning and if all goes well try to buy a couple more different ammo types to test. If the CCI gives me problems, I guess I will have to try cleaning at least the breechface and chamber and try to continue the test.

On another note, I am curious if you did any accuracy testing with the iron sights or the rds equipped pistol. I have not bothered yet as my initial testing is just to determine how reliable or finicky the pistol is.
Absolutely, lots of accuracy testing. But, you have to understand that accuracy testing to me means being able to hit a 6 inch plate at 30 ft. I dialed in the red dot, and iron sights for steel shooting and then just shot away. If my barrels start leading, I won’t notice it until I can’t hit a 6 inch plate at 30 ft. I’m not an “accuracy” shooter, I’m a knock down steel shooter so I have much lower standards than most. But, that works to my advantage as it will be a very long time between cleanings I hope.
Absolutely, lots of accuracy testing. But, you have to understand that accuracy testing to me means being able to hit a 6 inch plate at 30 ft. I dialed in the red dot, and iron sights for steel shooting and then just shot away. If my barrels start leading, I won’t notice it until I can’t hit a 6 inch plate at 30 ft. I’m not an “accuracy” shooter, I’m a knock down steel shooter so I have much lower standards than most. But, that works to my advantage as it will be a very long time between cleanings I hope.
Gotcha, I am no bullseye shooter either, at least since about 2003. These days I mainly shoot at steel or paper plates myself, basically defensive accuracy but am still interested in the practical mechanical accuracy of any pistol or rifle I buy just so I have a clue how sloppy I can be and still hit sort of where I'm aiming.😄
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