SIG Sauer Academy Handgun 101/102 & Rifle 101 AAR


NES Member
Nov 24, 2005
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I took my son to SIG’s Handgun 101/Rifle 101 courses Sept/Oct 2018. While I took him and my daughter shooting a few times to teach them not to fear guns and how to handle them safely, they never wanted to go to the range much when High School or older, until my son enlisted in the US Army. He wanted to shoot before he went to basic, so I let the professionals teach him and made it a Father/Son thing.

Both courses were very basic, with classroom AM and shooting 50rd over the afternoon. The focus was on safe handling, loading, firing, etc. The 11 people in Rifle 101 included 4 women - all shot with little trepidation under 1 instructor. The Handgun 101 class had 1 instructor and 1 assistant - of the 3 women in the class of 10, two struggled with fear of guns (all women were LEO wives) and required frequent 1-on-1 supervision.

I would conclude if your significant other really fears guns, they might walk away rattled from 101 classes and maybe the Women’s Handgun 101 might be another option. If you’re a gal and your guy is scared of guns - find another guy if he can’t suck it up.

Handgun 102 was two instructors, with nobody afraid of guns - all had taken 101. About 275rd, drawing from the holster by 3-count, then one count, then multiple shots, then with dummy rounds for failure-to-fire, then multiple targets and at distances back to 25yd.

I’ll do Handgun 103/104, Low Light Pistol, Red Dot Pistol, Rifle 102 this year to renew the basics. I *can* shoot better. When my son finishes basic/infantry, he’ll outshoot me for sure. That’s his job.
Cool, it'll be a long time but definitely I'll take my sons to some Sig classes. I think for girls/women, the women-only classes are better, cause most classes are nearly all men, especially past 101.

I took Rifle 101, yeah it's a bit underwhelming, they should make it cheaper, cause you're paying like $5/round. Rifle 102 was way better, enjoyed that immensely, and we each got to shoot 5 rounds through a suppressed MCX at the end, that was cool. I was the only one of like 11 without an optic.

I skipped handgun 101 and took Handgun 102 which was great, despite being indoors. Did you have the targets with the dropping steel head? That was fun, we all did not think we could do head shots at 25 yards, and most of us could do it by the end.
Offered FWIW: I took SIG's Handguns 101 course a couple of weeks ago. My experience was similar to MaverickNH's: the focus was on basic gun handling and gun safety, with classroom time in the morning followed by range time in the afternoon. IIRC, out of 11 students, 5 were women, and 9 had at least some experience with guns, although several of those had only shot long guns. I was one of the two complete novices in the class. The instructor was excellent, nobody did anything careless or stupid, and all in all it was an excellent "first-timer" experience.
I did HG102 again last week with a friend who shoots but has had little formal training. The instructors were able to observe me and point out things to correct that improved my shooting.

I’ll bring another friend back 2nd for HG102 week of January who has had a bit of training. It’s a good way to get shooting/training buddies.
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