Took them out for a wipe down today, or just an excuse to fondle 'em, either way. My small collection of Civil War carbines. No safe queen beauties in this lot, just honest examples of each type. Two of them I have yet to shoot just because life is busy, but they all still make smoke and are reasonably accurate. The Smith carbine is dead on out of all of them. A few more I'd like to add to the bunch but currently saving up for a ring for the lady, a little more money for the house, and really flirting with the idea of getting a full scale reproduction CW cannon
And yes that list the negotiated order of doing business with the soon to be fiancé.
Top to bottom:
Maynard, Smith, Gallagher, Burnside, Merrill

Top to bottom:
Maynard, Smith, Gallagher, Burnside, Merrill