Smith and Wesson Performance Shooting Center Springfield


NES Member
Sep 23, 2005
Merrimack Valley
Feedback: 168 / 1 / 0
Went there last weekend with the wife. Really nice place with plenty of rental pieces to choose from. She shot a 22 autoloader and I shot a SW99 compact 40. Talk about beginners luck. She was able to shoot a pretty tight group at 7yds and hit the center X squarely twice. I'd like to chaulk it up to good instruction but I have to admit, she's a better shot than I am [oops] .

For 25 bucks, we shared a lane, two rental guns and two boxes of ammo. Not a bad deal at all. The trip was about 1 hour away and it was easy to find. Lanes were brightly lit and the people there were really nice and helpful. Prices on guns were a bit steep in my opinion but definitely worth a trip there. Highly recommended.
pj150 said:
Went there last weekend with the wife. Really nice place with plenty of rental pieces to choose from. She shot a 22 autoloader and I shot a SW99 compact 40. Talk about beginners luck. She was able to shoot a pretty tight group at 7yds and hit the center X squarely twice. I'd like to chaulk it up to good instruction but I have to admit, she's a better shot than I am [oops] .

I've said it before and I'll say it again, for the most part, women shoot better than men do. I don't know if it's better hand/eye coordination or the fact that we listen a bit better when it comes to something we don't know anything about, or what, but...

(waiting patiently for Derek to get involved in this one)

Glad to hear that you both enjoyed yourself. So, did she catch "the bug"? [lol]
It's a trap!

I have beaten the Marine Corps best shooter right now, who happens to be a woman. [wink]
I don't know if it's the same, but a friend of mine trains his own Lab's. He enters them in Field Trials, and hunts with them.

He says the females train easier, but have to be retrained some every year.

The males, are far harder to train, but retain it better, and don't need refresher training every year.

I've also noted a similar situation with motorcycles. Ladies are actually harder to teach the basics to, but the harder stuff they grasp easily. Guys, on the other hand.......

Also note my famous saying (ladies, hold your tounge, until you read ALL of it).

"Women crash in parking lots, guy crash in corners."

Ladies lack upper body strength. Therefore, it's easy to drop a bike in a parking lot. This is reality, and nothing for the ladies to get embarassed about.

Men, crash in corners due to stupidity and excess testosterone. They figure "He did it, so I can do it." WRONG, the other guy might just happen to be a better rider or just plain lucky. But, think they'll admit that? No way. Now, a lady looks at the person ahead do it, and says "I don't care, I can do it at this speed.", and obviously crash far less.

Older guys that have ridden for years, tend to ride more like women. We don't care how fast the other person is. We KNOW how fast we AREN'T.
derek said:
It's a trap!

I have beaten the Marine Corps best shooter right now, who happens to be a woman. [wink]

Ask the Russians about women and marksmanship. Better yet, you do know how many kills the top snipers for the world have, don't you?

The top Russian is about #3 or 4 (maybe 5). Ludmilla Pavlichenko, with about 309 kills.
She's definitely more interested and open to going back again but she's still leery about us owning handguns. Far cry from before where she didn't like me even owning shotguns for hunting. I think she's psyched because she out gunned me, all the better because then she will be more apt to accept becoming a responsible CCW.

It's all about education and exposure. There was a time where she didn't even want to see or touch a gun. Slowly she is succumbing to the darkside....
pj150 said:
It's all about education and exposure. There was a time where she didn't even want to see or touch a gun. Slowly she is succumbing to the Right Side....

Fixed it for ya. [wink]
Best one I've heard yet, was when a co-worker approached me and told me his wife TOLD him to get a handgun. And something she could shoot as well.

Well, his cheap side took over for a bit, and we got him a Helwan (Beretta 1951 copy). She didn't like that, so he went and followed my original advice and bought a Glock. She liked that one.
My experience has been that among newbies, men generally come with more bad habits from playing cops & robbers and from watching TV & movies. In addition, they seem a little more resistant to coaching, possibly because they like to believe that they already know most of this (leaned it all from watching John Wayne). The best new shooter in the class is frequently a middle aged woman with absolutely no prior experience, frequently with one or two fliers near the beginning, then just one big hole where the black spot used to be.

KMaurer said:
My experience has been that among newbies, men generally come with more bad habits from playing cops & robbers and from watching TV & movies. In addition, they seem a little more resistant to coaching, possibly because they like to believe that they already know most of this (leaned it all from watching John Wayne). The best new shooter in the class is frequently a middle aged woman with absolutely no prior experience, frequently with one or two fliers near the beginning, then just one big hole where the black spot used to be.


See???!?!?!? Thank you Ken. :D
Lynne said:
KMaurer said:
My experience has been that among newbies, men generally come with more bad habits from playing cops & robbers and from watching TV & movies. In addition, they seem a little more resistant to coaching, possibly because they like to believe that they already know most of this (leaned it all from watching John Wayne). The best new shooter in the class is frequently a middle aged woman with absolutely no prior experience, frequently with one or two fliers near the beginning, then just one big hole where the black spot used to be.


See???!?!?!? Thank you Ken. :D

Yup, the Testosterone thing. That's why the quip about bikes. The ladies are easier to teach, from my past experience.

ANd guns, the worst are Vet's, especially Combat Vet's. I've got a really good firend that missed Vietnam, but did Algieria (yup, not US). Hard to break him of bad habits, but, we got rid of most of them. Funny seeing him, dressed in his old French Para Camo uniform, smoking a cigar, and shooting an AK.
Now not all of those are bad habits; some are survival skills. Killing the other guy while making sure that he doesn't do the same to you doesn't correspond 100% with good, safe shooting technique.

Lynne said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, for the most part, women shoot better than men do. I don't know if it's better hand/eye coordination or the fact that we listen a bit better when it comes to something we don't know anything about, or what, but...

It's because you ladies don't suffer from testosterone poisoning. [twisted] It makes guys do stupid things.
Nickle said:
Older guys that have ridden for years, tend to ride more like women. We don't care how fast the other person is. We KNOW how fast we AREN'T.

Yup. Learned how good I wasn't in a tight corner in New Jersey that I tried to take too fast. Now if I'm riding with someone who insists on trying to break the sound barrier on two wheels, I just wave "bye-bye" and go ride by myself.

Don't need to have my bike go out from under me at 45 MPH again... I used up all my luck that day in 1987.

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