smith wesson m&p .45 pics!!!! just got it today.

Oct 21, 2007
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Hey guys! how's it going. I finally got myself a smith wesson mp hand gun! I'm really excited and i'm really happy that i have it now. after few times of playing with it at the ranges, i finally got myself a .45! i was set on .40 but i ended up getting myself a steal deal! a practically new .45 with trigger job done and mag disconnect feature removed. it came with 5 mags full of winchester .45 auto ammo and i was lucky to get 100 round ammo box! every thing for 500 bucks flat.

here's the sex. sorry for the poor quality but you can see it tho! tell me what you think?

here's the gun pornz



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That is a steal.

I'm pretty sure your pistol never had a magazine disconnector. Note the engraving on the RH side of the slide: CAUTION: CAPABLE OF FIRING WITH MAGAZINE REMOVED.

That's there from the factory unless someone swapped slides with another pistol.

yeah jose, thats what i thought at first after reading that. i was like umm... and asked him after he told me about the feature was removed. He told me he owned a dozon of them and he did some tinkering and shared with few gun smith friends of his. I almost got one of the mp that already had laser grip on it. but... it was 700$ and i didnt have that much to blow. but it was pure sex for that mp with laser on it. ahaha
I have an M&P compact and shoot it alot - love it, great little gun. I would imagine the "bigger" guys are just as crowd pleasing (pretty popular down here)...have fun with it!!
get a larger cal. you'll be happier. honestly i dont mind a 9 but why not get something bigger while you can?

Just got back from shooting today. Used up 3x 50rd boxes :) I had alot of head turning to me today, few guys had a 1911 and a 45 ruger.... now they want my gun. ahaha

Just one problem tho. Julian the gun shop owner of kennebec guns wasnt able to check the weight of my trigger pull. His scale only goes up to 10 lbs and the gun def has more than 10 lbs pull. Other than that, my grouping on the target is great.

I was able to shoot a .50 AE aswell! that was fun but the smith wesson 500 was hella fun.
and asked him after he told me about the feature was removed. He told me he owned a dozon of them and he did some tinkering and shared with few gun smith friends of his. I almost got one of the mp that already had laser grip on it. but... it was 700$ and i didnt have that much to blow. but it was pure sex for that mp with laser on it. ahaha
That's the kiss of death - I'd have walked out right after he said that unless he was a gunsmith with a shop.

Check that puppy for functioning VERY thoroughly before you rely on it for a carry piece.
That's the kiss of death - I'd have walked out right after he said that unless he was a gunsmith with a shop.

Check that puppy for functioning VERY thoroughly before you rely on it for a carry piece.

already done [smile] except i want to get the trigger job done :(
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Greg Derr did the trigger on my M&P 9mm, and the difference is like night and day. My finger was getting sore with original
trigger pull.

I would love to have the .45 M&P with the external safety, if I could. I wish I'd jumped on it the day they went on sale here in MA.
yeah i love my mp. no external safety on it tho. Other than that the trigger is something i want to work on, but one of my old instructor said that... i should never change the trigger pull for carry and personal defense. but not to mention i do shoot often as possible. to be honest i never felt a 5lb trigger pull on any mp's yet. but i know they are mad nice because a friend had his handgun modded aswell and it was really nice.
I worked with the original Massachusetts trigger on my S&W M&P 9mm for over 500 rounds and could not get past a flinch resulting from the heavy trigger pull. I have no such problem with my SIG Mosquito when shooting in single-action mode with a trigger pull of ~5 lbs.

I just had a trigger job done on it, reducing the pull to five pounds. It is a different gun altogether. The flinch is gone, no pull to the right, and I was immediately putting more holes near the center of the target instead of the edges. I don't believe that the lightened trigger makes it any less safe as a carry piece. In its original state, its decreased accuracy in my hands made it a less effective firearm in a defensive situation. A good trade-off, I believe.

Here is a picture of the M&P 9mm with its big brother.

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yeah my shooting is kinda bad. the grouping is great but the position of the grouping is on the far left and down. Other than that i rarely have any holes to the right. I'm still trying to work in my trigger pulling techniques and such. But still isnt cutting it.

thing is, i havnt tried any mp's with really nice trigger pull, but the thought about have it really at such a low weight pull makes it sounds like it's going to be like a single action trigger. Ever shot any single action hand guns? Notice the trigger pull is so much smaller and it feels like it's more sensitive? Well thats what was going across my head and my old instructor sort of said that aswell.

IF any one here in maine has a mp with trigger job done? I'd love to try em out before sending in my mp.
It's funny, before I got the M&P, I only had DA/SA handguns, and the triggers all felt fine. After I got the M&P with the MA 10lb factory trigger, my other handguns all felt like they had hair triggers.

So maybe there is some training benefit to firing the heavy trigger, it makes shooting the other guns more accurate :-)

But for the trigger job, Greg Derr didn't lighten the trigger to something that feels like a single action; it is just enough lighter than I can shoot it accurately now.
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