So moms can once again rack the slide on her Shield.

May 23, 2013
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Now my mother can't really manipulate the slide due to her arthritis and general waning of hand strength in her older years. I got to thinking I've seen those wonky bits hanging off Ruger MkIIIs' and such, I wonder if anyone makes them for the Shield.

After skulking about the interwebs I found someone that does in fact make something on the lines that I'm looking for and the name is TacRack. So I order the part and install it(all of maybe ten seconds) and low and behold she can rack it. While it isn't the panacea I was hoping for and it is still a little difficult for her she lit up like a little kid on Christmas morning.

The main issue she has is it's just a hard metal grip and it digs in a bit, but I figure I'll grab some flexseal or something and hit it with a coat or two to soften it a bit hoping it'll do the trick. If that doesn't do it I'll get her some gloves to help pad it more. She can't wait to get back to the range now.

Still though with the amount of shit she has going on in her life currently it was great to see her smile and light up again, even if it was fleeting.

Wright Shooting Home

Borrowed pic from the interwebs.
there are a couple other things you can do

change out the spring to a lighter spring. should make "racking the slide" easier.
also, have her bring the gun "in" to her body so she gets better leverage on the slide. let's see if I can explain this without pictures. Gun in gun hand (let's say right hand), hold it "across" your body, close to your chest (like the rifle in my picture over there<<<). While pushing forward with the gun hand, and with other hand on slide, push the slide backwards. so there are 2 actions - gun hand pushing gun forward, other hand pushing slide backward.

I had separated both shoulders a number of years ago and this was often the only way I could rack a slide for a long time. I also used this with other women who had arthritis or were just weak in the upper body. Worked for pretty much everybody I ever showed this to.
there are a couple other things you can do

change out the spring to a lighter spring. should make "racking the slide" easier.
also, have her bring the gun "in" to her body so she gets better leverage on the slide. let's see if I can explain this without pictures. Gun in gun hand (let's say right hand), hold it "across" your body, close to your chest (like the rifle in my picture over there<<<). While pushing forward with the gun hand, and with other hand on slide, push the slide backwards. so there are 2 actions - gun hand pushing gun forward, other hand pushing slide backward.

I had separated both shoulders a number of years ago and this was often the only way I could rack a slide for a long time. I also used this with other women who had arthritis or were just weak in the upper body. Worked for pretty much everybody I ever showed this to.
Thanks, I've had her try that and she still has difficulty with it. I kid her and tell her I'll get her a Nerf gun to bring to the range instead, so long as her 70yr old mind can remember the Nerf bullets aren't snacks to be eaten(no matter how much the orange ones may resemble puffy Cheetos). [rofl2]
Another product is made by Springer Precision . I don't own this product, as I use my M&P's for EDC, so this product would stick into my "tactical muffin top". [wink] . But it does look like it might help someone who is not carrying close to the skin so to speak. Or if you're all set and someone else searches this thread, it might help.

i know a lot of older folks that just went back to good old wheel gun.
Arthritis is a bitch , hips mostly for me. My hands have days I feel like I cant even hold a pencil.
I don’t have one or know anything about them but I’ve seen a couple threads around here about the M and P “Easy” I think it’s called? Made specifically for ease of racking. Might be an option to look at.

Good luck and go moms for still being a badass. 👍🏻
Both of my 9mm Shields have these guide rod spring packages in them. They work great, last for 2000 rounds and make it much easier to rack, I've used these for years and for thousands of rounds. Linky: Smith & Wesson® Shield 9mm & 40 cal Guide Rod by Stainless Steel Guide Rods • Stainless Steel Guide Rods
Thanks for the link, I'll order one when I get to the puter.

As for the wheel gun, I took her shopping at a few spots and the suggestions from most, due to her smaller hands, was an LCR. Turns out she isn't a fan at all of it, far too snappy for her liking.

If all else fails, I'll just take her shopping and buy her another. Although if this keeps up she'll wind up having more pistols than I do. [laugh]
When I broke my wrist, I learned to hold the slide with my off-hand and then push the frame forward with my strong-hand to rack the slide. That way, the gun is always down range and pointed in a safe(r) direction. Is that something you’ve considered or would that still be an issue for her?
When I broke my wrist, I learned to hold the slide with my off-hand and then push the frame forward with my strong-hand to rack the slide. That way, the gun is always down range and pointed in a safe(r) direction. Is that something you’ve considered or would that still be an issue for her?
Pretty much how its done.
When I broke my wrist, I learned to hold the slide with my off-hand and then push the frame forward with my strong-hand to rack the slide. That way, the gun is always down range and pointed in a safe(r) direction. Is that something you’ve considered or would that still be an issue for her?
I've had her try the push method as well, I just think it's more her being nervous trying "new to her" ways given the infrequency of actual range time. I'd tell her to work on it while she's just sitting about, problem is folks(antis) drop by often enough she's nervous about them knowing. More so because she's my sisters caregiver and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if some of the nurses/nurse admins red flagged her because of their personal feelings towards firearms. I've met most of them and they seem to genuinely GAS about my sister/mother and their well being, I just don't trust them with that info and have told my mother to dummy up regarding guns when they're about.

Normally I'd trust her not to say anything, but give that woman any excuse to run her mouth and it's off to the races. [rolleyes] So much so her prior ring tone was Ralphie May saying "Jesus, shut up woman", but I lost it when I fragged my last cell.

Anyhow, the guide rod is on its way so hopefully that'll help as well.
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