someone looking for info on Chu Moor Mountain - April '68


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
got this forwarded from a friend

The following is from a guy looking for info from the 7/17th cav …. The unit I was assigned to from 1969 – 1970. the 7/17th was assigned to support the 4th inf division up in the central highlands (Pleiku)


Subject: Doug Stanek

Hello my name is Doug Stanek. I was with the 1/22nd Inf D Company 4th Inf. Division from Aug 67-68. My unit was involved in a huge battle called Chu Moor Mountain in April of 68. I would like any information that you have on any gun ships and slicks that were involved in the battle. For example Gladiatior 063 was shot down bringing us badly needed ammo in the first forty five minutes of the battle that lasted three days non stop. There was a second chopper shot down the next day doing the same deadly deed.

The choppers hovered over head and dumped out ammo boxes through the tall trees. My company started out with 118 men and on the third day we were down to 27.

Who ever was flying these deadly missions for us I want to thank you so very much. I am writing a book on the battle and would like to hear from any pilot or gunners who saved our men and got the dead and wounded out.

Thank you very much. Our motto is "Deeds Not Words"
Douglas L Stanek

If you have any info, if you send it to me, I'll forward it to my friend who sent me this. - Ross
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