Someone's got to reply to this lady

Aug 13, 2006
Central Mass
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Saw this posted on another forum:

LETTER: AR-15 rifles not needed to hunt
AR-15 rifles are not needed to hunt deer. Anyone needing an AR-15 or a Kalashnikov to hunt deer or elk probably needs a new pair of glasses first. Anyone needing an automatic shotgun to hunt pheasants, rabbits or partridge probably needs a prescription from a neurologist to reduce finger tremors or fight off tension.
I do not wish to change the constitutional amendment giving an organized militia the rights to bear arms, withdrawn from a carefully tended armory. The National Rifle Association has abandoned the parts of the amendment relating to "organized militia" and "tended armory." The NRA is NOT an organized militia, according to its charter.
I believe we should remember that the arms of 1789 were smoothbore Kentucky rifles and that discharge was accomplished by a flint-lock striking a steel, and sending a spark into some gunpowder that ignited the propellant and sent the bullet (or buckshot) on its wiggly way. This was a single shot device (or two shot, with two flint-locks and two barrels). Not even the "six-shooter" was invented at that time. My point is that single-shot weapons, with a long time to re-load, remove school and office massacres that can be caused by automatic weapons. Talk about a jump, she's describing old school firearms and then BAM!! get rid of auto's and stop massacre's.
While it may take another few years to bring sanity to all of our states, I am sure that sanity can prevail in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and possibly even Rhode Island Plantations. If Nantucket does not approve, let them secede and we will cut off ferry service to them from our shores, and fill the sound with windmills.
All local deer will hold us dear.
End Article
I'm sure it goes without saying that she needs some serious firearm education. Like the difference between full and semi auto, that law abiding Owner's cannot purchase full auto's, etc, etc, etc. Anyway, thought this would get everyone riled up nice and early today.
What's to reply? If she cared about truth, accuracy, or making a point she wouldn't sound like that.

You can talk AT (not "to") people like this untill you're blue in the face. They'll just respond with tripe like "Guns are just for killing" or "You can just run away from an attacker" or some crap about how if I like guns so much why don't I join the army.

Ect ect. A closed mind is bolted from the inside.

-Weer'd Beard
Thats a perfect example of why I am leaving this communistic state. Liberals...I could say everything that has been said before but everyone has heard it. Can anyone else see the massive population decline in the near future?
Thats a perfect example of why I am leaving this communistic state. Liberals...I could say everything that has been said before but everyone has heard it. Can anyone else see the massive population decline in the near future?

I think you mean "legal" population decline. Don't you? I believe, overall, the population will increase.
What's to reply? If she cared about truth, accuracy, or making a point she wouldn't sound like that.

You can talk AT (not "to") people like this untill you're blue in the face.

True - but they aren't the intended audience of the response.

Left unchallenged, people who don't know any better and don't have a position on the issue will believe it is true and act accordingly. The response is to trash the false statements, thus devaluing the source of them and giving those uncommitted on the issue a reason to reject the anti-gun drivel.

In short, the unchallenged lie becomes perceived as truth. A well-crafted letter from someone in the area would be useful.
That person is just a little clueless. I'm not sure that an AR-15 is powerful enough to hunt deer with, not chambered in .223 anyway... The other thing wasn't the smooth bore Kentucky rifle also a military style weapon at the time (she fails to mention that).... keeping with the military theme, I want an M249 SAW, I'd take that over an AR-15 anyday...
FWIW, mine and 5 other positive e mails to Marc Folco were posted in his Open Season section in this past Sunday's Standard Times.[smile] I can't access the colum from the web site because I would have had to have linked to it that day. I mentioned how the Mayor's proposed ban has sent sales of ARs and AK types skyrocketing all over the Northeast. I also commended him and the others for meeting with the mayor and said that I hoped he now had a better understanding of why people have these types of firearms.
Reminds me of the letters to the cape cod times, not a day goes by that some moonbat gets a letter published blaming america and Bush for all the ills of the world.
The most effective reply to this kind of directionless babble is one that is real short, makes them say, "Huh, what?" and then forces them to do either some reading or thinking (presuming the capability to do either). I.e., leave them with their mouth hanging open.

For instance:
Dear Ms. Roth:

Since the Second Amendment to the United States constitition does not contain the phrases "organized militia" or "tended armory", could you tell us what constitution you were referring to?

Very truly yours,
The most effective reply to this kind of directionless babble is one that is real short, makes them say, "Huh, what?" and then forces them to do either some reading or thinking (presuming the capability to do either). I.e., leave them with their mouth hanging open.

For instance:
Dear Ms. Roth:

Since the Second Amendment to the United States constitition does not contain the phrases "organized militia" or "tended armory", could you tell us what constitution you were referring to?

Very truly yours,

Exactly. You might link her to a website that explains the function of the comma as well.
Saw this posted on another forum:

LETTER: AR-15 rifles not needed to hunt
AR-15 rifles are not needed to hunt deer.


Talk about a jump, she's describing old school firearms and then BAM!! get rid of auto's and stop massacre's. ...

She "jumped" when she went from ALL hunting to HUNTING DEER. It is already illegal to hunt deer in MA with a rifle. Let alone that there is other hunting than deer hunting.
All you guys babbling about "this lady" need to actually READ the letter. The author is named BERNARD.

I actually heard a news report 2 days ago that MA. was losing population two and three years ago. Last year was a slight increase............

The welfares and illegals must have seen the free ride coming after the election.
I especially like the part about the "well tended armory". Didn't someone try to make sure that all personally owned "assault weapons" (flint lock muskets) would be stored in a government approved armory once?

Oh yeah, it was the British! All they got was the ammo.
I especially like the part about the "well tended armory". Didn't someone try to make sure that all personally owned "assault weapons" (flint lock muskets) would be stored in a government approved armory once?

Oh yeah, it was the British! All they got was the ammo.

I don't know which event you are talking about, but the British in their actions against the colonists before April 1775 and at Concord 4-19-1775, were NOT in BATF-style raids on small arms, but on gunpowder and field guns. Nowhere in their orders were they briefed to seize muskets and pistols. There were just too many small arms in MA, and Gage and his superiors realized they did not have the manpower to go and round them all up from a rebellious, uncooperative populace.

Powder paid for by local taxes was stored in powder magazines to cut down on the danger of fires and explosions, but as ALL males from 16 to 60 had to be in the militia, they kept their own guns at home, much as Switzerland does today. There were guns in armories, but mostly spares to be sold to those who did not have guns, or did not wish to trash their own civilian fowlers (smoothbore bid/duck hunting gun) in militia service. Therefore one could buy a gun for militia service from the colony, paid off on the installment plan. The colonists took their duty seriously!

Hence, the British concentrated on denying the means to operate any guns in the militias, and to deny the colonists the ability to wield decisive military power on a battlefield by the colonists using field guns.

The militias and minute companies in Massachusetts were much better trained, and not so highly individualistic as we have been led to believe. They took their drill seriously and had already by 1775 one hundred forty years of military organization and experience behind them. The British knew this and tried to contain the militias, but not disarm them, esp. since there were still many Tories in their ranks(!) and Gage did not want to turn potential allies against the govt.'s forces.

The British therefore seized gunpowder in the "Powder Alarms" in VA and MA, and attempted to destroy cannon and other military equipment in their raid on Concord, but NOWHERE did the British actually try to confiscate small arms until after the war started. ONLY then, did General Gage, the military governor of Mass., issue an order ordering that any inhabitants of Boston who wished to leave the town during the siege had to turn in their guns before leaving. Those who stayed, were left alone.

I repeat this often on gun fora, because so many gun rights activists inadvertently spread bad info and history about guns, often just as much as the antis do. In the long run, only the truth wil help our position.

Speaking of truth, "Smoothbore Kentucky rifle"? WTF, over? [rolleyes]

And yes, you can hunt deer with a .223. My brother does in WV, and does quite well. We had venison for Xmas dinner, brought down by a .223 round from his rifle. [;)]
...ONLY then, did General Gage, the military governor of Mass., issue an order ordering that any inhabitants of Boston who wished to leave the town during the siege had to turn in their guns before leaving. Those who stayed, were left alone.


And yes, you can hunt deer with a .223. My brother does in WV, and does quite well. We had venison for Xmas dinner, brought down by a .223 round from his rifle. [;)]

Replace Gage with Menino, and that's what it is like today.

Regarding deer and .223, I was referring to in MA only.
Thanks for the info 95thfoot - you are correct, it does not pay for us to be incorrect in our history, like the anti's are.

Quite frankly I wish that the National Guard was disbanded and we went back to more of a militia style system like the colonists had- or the Swiss have. Not only is it more effective militarily (the Swiss proved this pretty conclusively during WWII) - but it would be a very effective check on the encroachments of our own goverment - as well as the neo-historical drivel that the anti gun movement spits out constantly.

I know it won't happen - but I can dream [thinking]
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