Sons Of Liberty--Anybody In Dire Need Of AR Mags?

Nov 10, 2010
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Stand-up dudes on want to help out guys who are in need mags. Some guys are offering free mags to the cause. Some want $20 for mint Nam-era Colts.

Neckbeards, flippers, and greedy, fat b*stards with massive mag forts should f*uck right off.

This is intended for guys who DON"T have all the mags they need, and maybe can't even afford them.

If that is you, reach out.

If you need reasonably-priced mags, this may be your best/last chance.
Anyone too young to drink, but has their first AR and the mag it came with?
I'm not nearly as altruistic as some of the others in that thread, but there's a deal for someone in the next generation.
No problem paying a non-rape price and Mrs. Mountain and I could use a few more 'pre' 30 or 20 round mags. Most of my AR mags are for competition and are 10-round so that I'm GTG in Vermont etc. At least on my phone, it's hard to figure out who is selling what in that arf-com conversation. The old Mac I use for NES sh!tposting doesn't get along with arf-com's platform.

edit- Crap, sadly I only have one pre-ban AK mag, need some of those too. I really hate buying them here in MA because the prices are usually ridiculous. Shamefully, I do have a few 10-round AK mags, LOL.
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Stand-up dudes on want to help out guys who are in need mags. Some guys are offering free mags to the cause. Some want $20 for mint Nam-era Colts.

Neckbeards, flippers, and greedy, fat b*stards with massive mag forts should f*uck right off.

This is intended for guys who DON"T have all the mags they need, and maybe can't even afford them.

If that is you, reach out.

If you need reasonably-priced mags, this may be your best/last chance.
Pm inbound
JROY writes:

I've got 14 pre bans with new followers.
I'd want Pmag replacement value for them
And would like to send them in one lot.
Message me if interested.
I'll cover shipping.

(See pics page 4)
Mad_Mardigan writes:

There is some shithead in the EE selling prebans for about $50 each, added him to the ignore list.

Anyways, I have some Adventure Line and maybe a few Simmonds 20 rounders. Probably 10-15 total I would be happy to sell for the cost of replacement with current production USGI or Magpuls.

Shoot me an IM if interested.
That does make me feel better!
I saw the writing on the wall & have an understanding wife.
brain trust opinion question, how many do you need per gun to not be woefully unprepared?
Originally Posted By m4stagar:
Proban East German AK mags, Thermolds, Okay, Orlite, Ramline 10/22

Got my very old receipt from Wholesale Guns and Ammo. These were in storage over at my mother's house and I found them after she passed away. For a price I want to replace them with Magpuls from AimSurplus and shipping so do the math. I really want to get these in MA because I hate tyrants. The AK mags need a little tlc but work fine. If we need to you can pay my wife's pay pal account and I will ship them out to you to beat the deadline. You can message me then we can exchange phone# and we will make the deal move. Sorry for all of you that have to live under these conditions.
Got the folowing PM:

I have about a half dozen Thermold pre ban mags I'll send to you for no charge. These are still new in their wrapper. I know Thermold kind of got a bad rep, but I ran a bunch of 3 gun back in the day using them and never had one fail. Just don't store them loaded and they're good.

Send me your address and I'll get them to the post office. Easier if you email me your address. My email is XXXXXX.

If anybody genuinely wants and is actually in need of these mags, drop me a PM.
I had hoped to get four or five 20rnd mags as I only have one. But that thread over there is a mess and I can’t figure out what my old username and password is. Can’t even find it by searching my email when I signed up.
Stand-up dudes on want to help out guys who are in need mags. Some guys are offering free mags to the cause. Some want $20 for mint Nam-era Colts.

Neckbeards, flippers, and greedy, fat b*stards with massive mag forts should f*uck right off.

This is intended for guys who DON"T have all the mags they need, and maybe can't even afford them.

If that is you, reach out.

If you need reasonably-priced mags, this may be your best/last chance.
It’s a shame that 99% of those mags are going to be resold at rape rates the next day. You can’t give a good discount on the internet because all you are doing is encouraging a flipper to buy instead of someone who actually needs the item.
I would love a few standard 30 round mags. I have been trying to buy some. I won some on GB at a decent price and the shop is now telling me they might not ship them after I paid and a refund will take time I don’t have. Nothing in the listing about not shipping to Ma. This whole thing is frustrating. If the guys there want to help i would gladly buy a few and be very thankful.
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