Sorry for yet another holster thread but I need help on OWB

Jan 30, 2012
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I have read prob 100 pages on this and other forums, I now have analysis paralysis with way too much info to boil down, so any help is appreciated.

Looking for OWB hard cased for S&W9 full size. Looking for carry while hiking as one use (not exclusively for hiking, but was hoping to get one rig that can be very good at multiple uses). Want a locking mechanism.

It seems like there is a ton on the Blackhawks. However, lots of models from just these guys. Then other brands.

Would appreciate any input on what you have used, and maybe a comment or 2 on what's good/bad like/dislike, etc.

Looking for OWB hard cased for S&W9 full size. Looking for carry while hiking as one use (not exclusively for hiking, but was hoping to get one rig that can be very good at multiple uses). Want a locking mechanism.

I don't see a need for it. A quality open-topped holster will retain the gun even if you take a tumble. I've done a full shoulder roll in the meeting room at Harvard Sportsmen's and my 1911 stayed in its kydex holster.

If you want a retention holster because you are carrying openly and are concerned about a gun grab, then get a Safarliand ALS. Don't buy a Serpa.

Raven Concealment makes great holsters.
i loved the idea of a blackhawk serpa holster with its locking mechanism ... until... i saw this video. honestly using a serpa for hiking would scare me as your even more likely with brush and twigs or dirt / rocks

ended up buying a regular CQC holster with just a retention screw..

next purchase for me is this blackhawk,792,34.htm

it locks too but with just a buckle clip over the entire gun
If you want a retention holster because you are carrying openly and are concerned about a gun grab, then get a Safarliand ALS. Don't buy a Serpa.

Raven Concealment makes great holsters.

Was looking for retention because when hiking worried about a gun grab from twigs and brush...

The raven video was impressive for holding when doing all sorts of physical activity, but if you have been hiking on crappy trails, you know what i mean about brush doing some impressive destruction to your gear.
I have a Safariland ALS model and it works nicely. The retention mechanism is very natural to use (right where the thumb normally goes). The 6378 model comes with a paddle and belt loops, so you can try both and see which you like better.
Whoa.. that video ... I will never buy an active retention holster.. i'll stick with passive tension, another reason i don't like serpa since it trains your shooting finger to push in torwards the trigger
Whoa.. that video ... I will never buy an active retention holster.. i'll stick with passive tension, another reason i don't like serpa since it trains your shooting finger to push in torwards the trigger

There are good retention holsters, but the Serpa isn't one of them
I think the biggest problem with the active retention of the Blackhawks is fat people falling down on them.

Is NES anti fat? [grin]

Skip the blackhawk holsters, a good kydex pancake holster like Raven or LFI Custom, if you don't want to wait, will do everything you need it to and not hang off your waist 4 inches. The only active retention holster I have used that I liked was the Safariland SLS when I was in the Navy. But it is a large holster not suited for CCW.
I bought a minotaur gladiator holster through comptac as a christmas present to myself and its a very nice holster, I love this thing more than my crossbreed. Easy to put on/take off, guns not coming out without some help and is very comfy. Easily concealable under a long shirt or jacket, I got it with the intention of open carry at the range so as to have a loaded weapon on my person at all times.

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