AOW doesn't trip the 922r parts issue, right? Not that the pistol version of the SP5K is remotely as appealing as the SBR.
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I'll just toss this out there.

I've owned MP5s. They are nice guns.

But if you want to actually shoot it the Sig MPX is far far superior. About like you would figure two guns with 45 years of development separating them would be.

The Sig is also compliant with Maura the Douche's new "guidance" if you make sure the evil feature count isn't a problem.

The sig can also be had as a pistol can then be converted to an SBR by simply sliding a Sig stock onto the Pic rail on the back of the receiver.

One major MAJOR thing that makes the Sig far far superior as far as shootability is the ability to put AR triggers in it. Buy a $75 RRA trigger for the Sig and its trigger will be 10 times better than an HK trigger.


p.s. Also as a lefty, the MPX is good to go. Most MP5s that you find will require the addition of a $400 "navy" lower to put a selector on the right side of the carbine.

p.p.s. The only MP5 that I still covet is the SD integrally suppressed version. There is nothing else like them. Again, as a lefty, I'm used to getting a ton of gas in my face when I shoot suppressed guns. The SD doesn't do this. Its unique that way. Select fire with an SD is the cat's a55.
Don, if someone is buying an MP5 clone (one that isnt a piece of shit at least) whats another $400? thats like dust in the wind for an MP5. Even the new ones HK is selling are still like over $2000.... for a PCC... [rofl] and STILL no ****ing MP5 paddle release from the factory. [rofl]

Don, if someone is buying an MP5 clone (one that isnt a piece of shit at least) whats another $400? thats like dust in the wind for an MP5. Even the new ones HK is selling are still like over $2000.... for a PCC... [rofl] and STILL no ****ing MP5 paddle release from the factory. [rofl]


I paid $1050 for mine, also has a paddle release.
Don, if someone is buying an MP5 clone (one that isnt a piece of shit at least) whats another $400? thats like dust in the wind for an MP5. Even the new ones HK is selling are still like over $2000.... for a PCC... [rofl] and STILL no ****ing MP5 paddle release from the factory. [rofl]


I agree with you if you are comparing MP5 to MP5. But the MPX is a much nicer gun to shoot.
1) AR trigger, including target triggers or 3 gun triggers
2) Ambi out of the box
3) bolt locks back on last round fired
4) mags are made by lancer and are bulletproof.

I owned an HK as well as a Bobcat. I ended up with almost the same money into both. The bobcat needed a real HK bolt to run right and it had a navy lower. The HK I bought more as an investment and did very well with it shortly after sandy hook.

Also, if anyone here has an MPX and is an 07/ Class 2, I know someone who will assist in making it select fire (with an approved form 2) for somewhere in the $600 range.


Note: the above conversion is legal provided there is an approved form 2 on the firearm and the owner is an 07 FFL with a class 2 SOT.
Clone. About a year ago.

My biggest hangup on the MPX was the overpriced mags.

Yeah. But in the big scheme of things 5 mags will cost you $250. It comes with either one or 2 mags. So you end up with 6 or 7 mags.

For me its worth it. When it comes to the MP5, the Korean mags are a crap shoot. And even the straight stick german mags aren't really cheap anymore. If you want to buy the curved German mags, I don't know exactly what they cost these days, but I remember they weren't cheap.

The Lancer sourced mags the MPX uses run FLAWLESSLY.

One other thing. My MP5s did not like the square nosed coated bullets I most commonly reload. (my favorite 9mm bullets ) I had to do a separate run with standard FMJ ball profile bullets. So effectively I had to make MP5 specific ammo. It cost a bit more. (about $7/box vs $5.30/box) but the bigger issue was that I had to readjust the dies on my Dillon 650 to make a batch.

To each his own. If anyone is curious, the MPX is a thoroughly modern, high quality, MA legal, alternative to the MP5.
Yeah. But in the big scheme of things 5 mags will cost you $250. It comes with either one or 2 mags. So you end up with 6 or 7 mags.

For me its worth it. When it comes to the MP5, the Korean mags are a crap shoot. And even the straight stick german mags aren't really cheap anymore. If you want to buy the curved German mags, I don't know exactly what they cost these days, but I remember they weren't cheap.

The Lancer sourced mags the MPX uses run FLAWLESSLY.

One other thing. My MP5s did not like the square nosed coated bullets I most commonly reload. (my favorite 9mm bullets ) I had to do a separate run with standard FMJ ball profile bullets. So effectively I had to make MP5 specific ammo. It cost a bit more. (about $7/box vs $5.30/box) but the bigger issue was that I had to readjust the dies on my Dillon 650 to make a batch.

To each his own. If anyone is curious, the MPX is a thoroughly modern, high quality, MA legal, alternative to the MP5.

With tiny little mags that cost a fortune if you can find them. The MP5/HK94 is a classic, iconic even, subgun that is flat shooting, reliable, and has tons of accessories and configurations that are simple to swap out with a simple pin. I like the idea of the MPX and will probably get one, they just aren't as fun in a ban state.
Don, if someone is buying an MP5 clone (one that isnt a piece of shit at least) whats another $400? thats like dust in the wind for an MP5. Even the new ones HK is selling are still like over $2000.... for a PCC... [rofl] and STILL no ****ing MP5 paddle release from the factory. [rofl]


I paid $1050 for mine, also has a paddle release.

I dont even wanna say what i paid for mine..im sure it'll be trash after one season

for some reason i feel like im getting raped paying my guy to set me up with the 4 position pack
Everyone acts like its some kind of black magic, while i havent done one myself yet.. it seems like a basic hack job to me.

but i guess in the grand scheme of things, its not a big deal and atleast itll be right the first time.
CZ Scorpion maybe? 922r parts kits can be found, mags are much cheaper than Sig's, and the gun can be had for ~$700.

Have you ever actually held or shot a Scorpion? It is a straight blowback system. So the bolt weighs about 2 lbs.
This is fine for the $300 HiPoint, but not what I'd want for something I've got $1000+ into.

It is boat anchor crude compared to the MPX or even the MP5.

Have you ever actually held or shot a Scorpion? It is a straight blowback system. So the bolt weighs about 2 lbs.
This is fine for the $300 HiPoint, but not what I'd want for something I've got $1000+ into.

It is boat anchor crude compared to the MPX or even the MP5.


And yet somehow its a blast to shoot, go figure?
Ummmm... We might disagree on that point. I AM curious about the B&T 9mm "TP9" contraption that is just hitting our shores, anybody seen one yet?

A friend of mine in CT has a B&T that he loves.

He's had it for about 10 years. It looks about like that but its got a side folding stock. ( believe fixed in place for 1994 AWB compliance)

Is his the same gun as this? Or is that something new?
A friend of mine in CT has a B&T that he loves.

He's had it for about 10 years. It looks about like that but its got a side folding stock. ( believe fixed in place for 1994 AWB compliance)

Is his the same gun as this? Or is that something new?

This is new, not for sale quite yet in the USA.
This is new, not for sale quite yet in the USA.

The TP9 has been for sale in the US on and off over the past few years at least, although the one you posted is new variant I haven't
seen before. The ones from a year or two ago don't have pic rails on them like that.

The TP9 has been for sale in the US on and off over the past few years at least, although the one you posted is new variant I haven't
seen before. The ones from a year or two ago don't have pic rails on them like that.


Thanks to new technologies and improvements to their manufacturing process they're now able to cover 85% of the gun's exterior with pic rails.

- - - Updated - - -

Looks like a sphinx with a stock.
The easiest way to get a HK SP5K is to have a SOT buy one and make it a AOW by just putting a K grip on it and then transfer it to you on a Form 4 for a 5 dollar NFA stamp and what ever he charges for the transfer.

Then if you ever wanted you can pay the 200 NFA stamp to SBR it on a Form 1 if you wanted to.

For the form 4 for an aow, you still have to wait like a form 1 correct? I think 1's are hovering around the 7 month time frame

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