Space Force

Sep 16, 2014
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President Trump orders DoD to establish Space Force: Trump orders establishment of 'space force' as 6th branch of military

I suppose funds will have to come out of traditional service budgets for now. I hope this stokes a larger debate about a DoD-wide reorganization since a new service will come with just as much overhead as the others. That overhead should be consolidated into a common DoD acquisitions and logistics corps, as well as a common cyber corps, amongst other things.
I've always secretly hoped that some deep under cover agency has been working on space ray-guns and such ever since Ronald Reagan proposed it.

The most critical part of space technology is thermal management. Every action taken in space generates waste heat and there is only one way to get rid of it (which is why "cloaking devices" will never work in space). The larger the ray gun you want to use, the larger radiator you need, unless you only want to fire it once or wait excessively long periods between shots. So if you're curious to see what you can find about space-based weapons I'd start there.
The most critical part of space technology is thermal management. Every action taken in space generates waste heat and there is only one way to get rid of it (which is why "cloaking devices" will never work in space). The larger the ray gun you want to use, the larger radiator you need, unless you only want to fire it once or wait excessively long periods between shots. So if you're curious to see what you can find about space-based weapons I'd start there.

I'd start with the simplicity of space junk

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