square foot (raised gardens)

Hard neck garlic should have the curly scapes cut of by now. Cook em up and eat them.
Soft and hard neck both are finished when about two thirds of the garlic greens are yellow/brown. Bend them over at ground level with the handle of a hoe and pull them a few days later. The longer you leave them in the bigger they will get. Also the longer you leave them in they will blow apart the wrapper and not keep thru the winter.
Even with shade cloth my spinach has bolted and my buttercrunch lettuce has started. The Caesar and saladbowl lettuce have not.

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I found potatoe bug larva on the taters the other day. Check under the leaves. They look like little pinkish slugs with crap stuck to their backs. The eggs are tiny golden yellow and laid in clusters. Best to kill them before they have a chance to hatch and do any damage. The adult potatoe bug are shaped like giant lady bugs but with yellow and black stripes from head to tail. Drop them in soapy water.

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