stabbing on comm ave??

Mar 6, 2006
northshore, ma
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did anyone hear about this? i cant find the link but i guess a 17 year old ticket scalper was stabbed by a 14 year old after the 14 year old tried to mug an elderly woman and the 17 year old stood in to defend her...i guess the stabbing occurred in the T station of kenmore square and the victim collapsed right outside the bar i work at on comm ave

14 year old attempted murdered and 17 year old scalper...where are the parents?
14 year old attempted murdered and 17 year old scalper...where are the parents?

Mom was busy cashing the state's check, Dad is doing time. [smile]

I at least have a small amount of respect for the scalper for trying to do right. I may disagree with his choice of entrepreneurial ventures, but at least his crime is semi-victimless and he had the decency to try to help another human being in need.
I look at ticket scalpers this way. It is a free market. No one is foced to buy their products. If someone wants to see the event that badly, they can pay the price. No different that any other product. I remember a few years back when HD delaers were "scalping" their bikes and forcing customers to pay thousands over the sticker price. No one sought to make that illegial. In fact many states have made scalping legal as long as it isn't done in front of the stadium.
He used a knife? Well that's it then. I'm writing to my senator to ask him for a 1 a month purchase limit on all knifes and other pointy items [rolleyes]
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